
  • 网络Sector index;Plate Index
  1. 基准恒生指数(HangSengIndex)下跌0.2%,其中房地产板块指数下跌3.7%。

    The benchmark Hang Seng index retreated 0.2 per cent while the property sub-index lost 3.7 per cent .

  2. 并根据市场公开数据,利用统计分析软件SPSS来验证主力资金进出对沪深股指、板块指数以及个股走势的主导作用。同时对资金流向分析法在实践运用中的适用性问题进行了总结。

    At the same time using the statistical software SPSS to validate the effect of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock index , sector index and individual stock movements from the main fund .

  3. 结合t-GARCH模型和Copula函数,建立Copula-GARCH模型并对上海股市各板块指数收益率序列间的条件相关性进行分析。

    Conditional dependence of index returns series in Shanghai stock market is analyzed using the Copula - GARCH model combined the t-GARCH model with a Copula function .

  4. 台湾加权指数(TWI)攀升2.4%至6110.60点。台湾监管机构宣布,如果主要子板块指数成分股的交易价格低于上个交易日的收盘价,则禁止卖空。

    In Taiwan , the weighted index climbed 2.4 per cent to 6,110.60 , after regulators banned short selling of component stocks of the main local indices if they trade below the previous session 's closing price .

  5. 目前对于股价波动的研究成果主要是集中在沪深两市的大盘指数方面,而对于行业板块指数的研究则显得较为薄弱。

    At present the research for the volatility is mainly concentrated on the market index of Shanghai and Shenzhen .

  6. 第三,对沪市行业板块指数与上证指数分别进行了协整分析。

    Third , this paper takes the cointegration analysis between the industry sector index of Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shanghai Composite Index .

  7. 首先,我钻出中心孔在这两个板块在以指数他们在一起。

    I first drilled the center hole in both plates in order to index them together .

  8. 红色的卖出信号不停闪烁:过去5年,房地产板块与基准指数之间的往绩市盈率之差平均为200个基点,而目前仅为40。

    Sell signals are blinking red : the trailing price / earnings gap between the property sector and the benchmark , which has averaged 200 basis points over the past five years , is now a mere 40 .

  9. 在不同的地区板块中,当指数处于上升时期,各地区板块的羊群行为没有差异,而当指数处于下跌时期,经济发达地区的羊群行为明显强于经济落后的地区。

    Among all of the plates in different areas , when the index is rising , no differences exist in herd behavior of the plates , however , when the index fell , herd behavior is stronger in economically developed areas than economically backward regions .