
  1. 本文旨在探索研究行业板块轮动的规律,并对其进行解释。

    This article is to explore and study the laws governing trade round plate , and to explain .

  2. 不过如果出现这种情形,投资者最好是在板块内部进行轮动买入估值低于平均水平、但增长高于平均水平的运营商而不是彻底退出。

    Yet in that event , investors would be better advised to rotate within the sector – buy the operator trading at below-average valuations but experiencing above-average growth – than exit altogether .

  3. 集合与分类研究是我们认识复杂世界并寻找其本质规律的一种基本方法,板块这一分类的概念在股票市场的应用主要表现在板块内部的联动效应以及板块之间的轮动效应两个方面。

    Collecting and classifying are basic methods of understanding the complex world and finding its essential rules . In the stock market ," sector " as a concept of classification is mainly used in the fields of sector effect and sector rotation .