
  • 网络plate tectonics;plate tectonic;Plate Tectonics and Sea-floor Spreading
  1. 大陆的逐渐移动和形成过程(板块构造学的描述)。

    The gradual movement and formation of continents ( as described by plate tectonics ) .

  2. 板块构造学主要在于探索岩石田块体的运动,属于动力大地构造学范畴。

    Plate tectonics explores primarily the motion of lithospheric blocks and belongs to the category of dynamic geotectonics .

  3. 他设计出太阳能图表,拟定计算器计划,还对板块构造学(platetectonics此处应为作者笔误)颇有研究。

    His solar power diagrams , calculator plans , and studies of plate techtonics .

  4. 板块构造学的工作就是要揭示那快照的线索,了解它的舞步,确定舞蹈者曾去过和将要去哪里。

    The job of plate tectonics is to unravel the clues in that snapshot , to learn the dance steps , to determine where the dancers have been and where they are going .

  5. 从板块构造学、地球物理学和地球动力学等角度,结合南海中央海盆及其周边的地质、地球物理资料进行综合分析论证,对南海扩张成因模式提出质疑。

    The spreading model of the South China Sea is questioned on the basis of integrated analyses and interpretation of geological and geophysical evidences in the South China Sea Basin and its vicinity from the view of plate tectonics , geology , geophysics and geodynamics .