
  • 网络slab;Slab-type apartment building;apartment building
  1. 本文论述了预制板楼板面沿板缝开裂的原因及预防措施,并提出了避免产生其它一些通病的方法。

    This paper discusses causation and preventing measure of prefabricating board cracking , and put forward method to avoid other common fault .

  2. 如今封闭式的小区板楼、点式楼住宅犹如笼子一般使人们的生活空间失去了亲切感与交流感。

    Now the enclosed area board floor , point type house like a cage generally make the life space of people lost intimacy and communication .

  3. 为满足室内大空间的需要,黑龙江某多功能厅采用无粘结预应力井式梁板楼(屋)盖。

    In order to meet the need of big space , the unbonded prestressed concrete cross-beam floor is adopted in the multifunctional office building in Heilongjiang province .

  4. 然后针对不同的电气结构对塔楼、板楼、别墅、农村建筑、商业用户等五种建筑结构进行电力光纤到户组网方案设计,并总结建设方案的特点。

    Taking account of five kinds of electrical structures , such as tower , cored , villas , rural and commercial building , his paper proposes different network designs accordingly and summarizes the characteristics .