
  • 网络Stock housing;stock room;Existing home
  1. 编制城市存量房价格指数的难点及相应对策

    The Difficulties and Countermeasures in Making Price Indexes for City Used House

  2. 二是大力发展住房二级市场(存量房交易市场),盘活住房存量;

    To develop secondary housing market ( stocking housing exchanging market ) forcefully ;

  3. 从发展前景来看,存量房市场有着巨大的发展潜力。

    As viewed from the prospect , the existing building exchange market has a huge development potential .

  4. 随后把上海短期住房市场分为增量房和存量房两个市场,运用非均衡市场的供需函数模型对其进行了定量实证分析。

    Then a disequilibrium model is employed to analyze the demand and supply equations of both new-constructed and stock housing markets .

  5. 在房地产市场上,存量房买卖日趋活跃,随之产生了一系列关于存量房买卖的恶意违约问题。

    In the real estate market , the existent property has become increasingly active , following produced a series of trading malicious compliance issues .

  6. 应用协整检验和葛兰杰因果关系检验法,研究了上海市2001~2003年住宅一级市场(住宅开发、销售市场)与二级市场(存量房交易市场)之间价格的关系。

    Using cointegration relationship test and Granger causality test , some conclusions about relationship between commercial housing sale price and existing property bargain price in Shanghai are obtained .

  7. 考虑到房价与官方公布的家庭收入数据的比值,房地产市场存量房的吸纳也比大多数分析师所预期的快得多。

    There was also a far more rapid take-up of property market inventory than most analysts expected , given the ratio of prices to official household income data .

  8. 同时投资增长过快、结构性矛盾、价格虚增、市场行为欠规范及存量房市场发展滞后等问题也应引起高度关注。

    But there are some problems , such as excessively rapid investment increase , structural problem , incorrectly high price , irrational market character and lagging stack building market , etc.

  9. 该模式会降低存量房利用率、增加政府负担、阻碍退出机制的建立并冲击房地产市场。

    In-kind subsidies can reduce housing stock utilization , increase the burden on government , hinder the establishment of exit mechanism , and impact negatively on the real estate market .

  10. 在很多这样的城市,开发商通过大幅降价、赠送厨房装修或停车位等方式试图消化大量的未售出存量房。

    In many of these cities , developers are slashing prices and offering freebies such as kitchen furnishings and parking spaces as they try to work through vast gluts of unsold property .

  11. 近年来,开发商不断涌向这些城市,现在这些城市存量房激增,房价下跌,全国未售出住宅面积已增至3.42亿平方米,相当于2013年新建住房总面积的42%,也创下近几年的最高纪录。

    Inventories are swelling and prices are falling . Unsold residential space nationally has grown to 342 million square meters , equal to 42 % of all the residential space built in 2013 and the highest level in years .

  12. 合理规制存量房买卖恶意违约问题,不仅能最大限度保护守约方的合法权益,还能净化现阶段的房地产交易市场。

    Reasonable regulation of trading in the trading malicious compliance issues of the existent property , not only to maximize the protection of the legitimate rights and interests observant , but also the purification stage of the real estate market .

  13. 上海市存量房(住宅)置换与租赁价格指数之编制本港所有出租住宅的租客,只要于租赁届满时愿意缴付市值租金,租住权都会继续受到保障。

    The Working out of the Price Indexes for the Exchange and Lease of the Surplus Residential Buildings in Shanghai ; All domestic tenancies currently enjoy security of tenure so long as tenants are prepared to pay the prevailing market rent on expiry of their tenancy agreements .

  14. 我认为,由于去年下半年新建成的房地产项目已不断积累,未售出的存量房增长幅度已经超过7%,今年的住房销售总量将有所减缓。

    I think because in the second half of last year , newly-completely housing projects kept growing in number , and because the growth rate of unsold stockpile houses was over 7 % , the total sales volume of houses this year will be reduced to some extent .

  15. 杨敏德此举正当其时,未来30年,中国将有3亿农村人口迁徙到城市,而现有存量房只够容纳其中半数人口(有人估计中国将新建2万到5万座摩天大楼)。中国有220座城市人口将突破百万大关。

    Yang 's effort comes at a time when China is moving toward urbanizing 300 million people in the next 30 years . Half of the buildings needed to house that population have yet to be built ( one estimate has China building 20000 to 50000 new skyscrapers ) - with 220 cities breaking the one-million-population mark .

  16. 房地产税是对社会存量财富中的房地产课征的税收,是财产税制的重要组成部分。

    Real estate tax is an important part of the property tax system , which levied taxes on the real estate in social stock of wealth .