- 网络remaining enterprises

Remaining enterprises engaged in other businesses shall increase their capability of independent development .
Enterprises meeting certain requirements during restructuring may sever all their social functions and disperse surplus employees at one time and keep no remaining enterprises .
BPR of Production Management in State-owned Large-scale Store-to-extend Enterprises relationship with local government is not very harmonious .
Guoxin was launched on Wednesday by the state-owned assets supervision and Administration Commission ( SASAC ) with a mandate to help restructuring of large state enterprises by " consolidating their leftover unwanted and unimportant assets " .
On Relationship relationship with local government is not very harmonious .
Thoughts on how to survive and develop for the non-listing parts
On the Problems of State-owned Existent and Continuous Enterprises
Reforming Line of Survival Petroleum - based Enterprises of China and Their Development
Research on Relation between Stock Company Based on Key Business and Remainder Enterprise
Structural Readjustment and Optimization of the Sustained Oil Enterprises : A General Idea
The third chapter : present the development clue and general framework of LCE .
Capital Operation Is the Strategic Option of the Non-listed Company of An Oilfield Enterprise
" Retreat " is the prerequisite and key line for these enterprises to develop .
At last , propose specific countermeasures to strengthen working capital management of sustained oil enterprises .
When the reform goes into the phase to assault fortified positions , reformation of reserveenterprises should be paid much attention to .
In case an enterprise is merged , it shall be subject to the management category of the surviving enterprise after merger ;
The non-listing parts should make use of their advantages and avoid the disadvantages in the business transactions to maximize the profits .
Afterwards the marketing strategy of the third party 's storage providers , cost management strategy and consumer relationship management is also designed .
Dalian Petrochemical Corporation is one of the remained corporations which belong to China National Petrochemical Corporation having been reorganized and taken apart .
This paper studies the corporate entrepreneurship and activities of hatching new industries in order to explore experiences for the state-owned remainder enterprises ' sustainable development .
Remaining enterprises not capable to continue operation shall exit the market , through such channels as bankruptcy , in accordance with relevant laws and regulations .
There is not a clear concept of the surviving enterprises , and some people often misunderstand the relation between the surviving enterprises and the assisting industry .
In the course of enterprise restructuring how the sustained enterprises can survive and develop in the keen market competition is a pressing problem to be solved .
According to non ? free exit model , the choice to secede brings too much negative externalities ; the cost of the initiative exit is too high .
Market management of exploration and development engineering technical service as the most important part of sustained enterprises ' management has become a piece of new management business after CNPC listing .
Controlling shareholders remaining enterprises or institutions that provide services for the major business of the listed company may be restructured into specialized companies in accordance with the principles of specialization and market practice
Such strategy can not only be a action creed of the company in the future and sustain its right development , but also be a reference for other Chinese regrouped and reformed .
In the process of the state businesses ' reform and development , the continuous development is so important to the reserve-enterprises that their parent company had already been reorganized and put on public .
Considering the influence on the financial statement of existing group and interest of original shareholders , pooling of interest method is more helpful to protect interest of every party and decrease cost of merger .
Opening Demand - side electricity market is an important part of the power industry reform in China . This restructuring is only a start of the trial of reform of the Chinese state owned enterprises .