
  • 网络products design company
  1. NLGX原创生活是受传统文化影响的现代生活时尚产品设计公司。

    NLGX Design is a Heritage-Inspired Urban Lifestyle Products Design Company based in Beijing .

  2. 金栢思数码科技(深圳)有限公司,总部位于香港,是一家专业的家庭音响娱乐产品设计公司。

    Compress Digital Technology ( Shenzhen ) Limited , with headquarter locates in HK , is a professional home entertainment products designer .

  3. 美泰公司是玩具领域的世界领先者,它在多个国家及中国设立产品设计公司和多个生产厂。

    Mattel is the world leader in the field of toy brand . It has set up design-company and several manufacturing plants not only in many countries but also in China .

  4. 创意设计的过程很复杂,不论是设计任何东西,比如从产品设计到公司商标设计,都是如此。

    Creative design is a complex process that can be applied from everything to making products to creating company logos .

  5. 该工作室也为工业和产品设计领域的其它公司提供服务。

    The studio also does work for other companies in the areas of industrial and product design .

  6. 我们不只是一个国际贸易公司,我们还是一个产品设计和采购咨询公司。

    We not only an international trading company , we have a product design and procurement consulting firm .