
  1. 本文以职工安置为例,提出了一种附加约束的国企产权拍卖机制。

    Taking the employees ' accommodation as an example , it constructs a SOE bidding mechanism with employment constraint .

  2. 另外,由于国企产权拍卖的实施过程相对更为公开、透明,因而在国企产权拍卖中对国企产权代理人行为的监管也将更为有效。

    Another advantage of the SOE auction is that it is usually implemented more openly and more transparently , hence the supervision for the SOE agent in aution will become more efficient .

  3. 在资源产权市场中引入拍卖机制(包括在一级市场中的单边拍卖和在二级市场中进行的双边拍卖),论证了通过拍卖市场的引入可实现缺失的产权价值项。

    The auction mechanism has been introduced into the property market ( including a unilateral auction market and a bilateral auction in the secondary market ), which can realize the value of property .

  4. 通过在价格投标中增加需要安置的职工人数约束,该机制使国企产权的卖方能够很好地兼顾最大化国企产权的拍卖收益和妥善安置原国企职工的双重目标。

    By adding that the new owner of the selling enterprise is required to accommodate a certain quantity of former SOE employees , the mechanism can help to realize the dual-objective of maximizing SOE auction revenue and minimizing induced unemployment .