
  • 网络plate tectonics;the plate tectonics theory
  1. 指出新的观测资料为板块构造学说和大陆动力学提供了机遇和新的挑战。

    In the end new development and challenges on plate tectonics and continent dynamics provided by the new observation are pointed out .

  2. 板块构造学说不能合理地解释大陆地质现象。

    Plate tectonics can not reasonably explain continental geological phenomena .

  3. 板块构造学说是20世纪最伟大的科学成就之一,并且得到了GPS等现代空间测地技术的支持,但板块运动或地壳形变的驱动力源却一直没有真正得到解决。

    Global plate motion patterns have been verified and improved by modern space geodetic techniques such as GPS , VLBI and SLR - The driving force of plate motion and crustal deformation , however , remains a heated problem in dispute .

  4. 板块构造学说与地震

    Gold plate plate structure ? Plate Tectonics and the Earthquake

  5. 关于方法构造学的设想板块构造学说与地震

    Tentative Ideas on Constructure Theory of Method Plate Tectonics and the Earthquake

  6. 这板块构造学说的理论讲些什么?

    What does the theory of plate tectonics maintain ?

  7. 板块构造学说面临的挑战

    Plate tectonic theory : a serious challenge

  8. 板块构造学说是高度成功的地球科学理论。

    The theory of plate tectonics is one of the highly successful theories in the geosciences .

  9. 用板块构造学说对中国部分地区构造发展的初步分析

    Tectonic evolutions of some mountain ranges in china , as tentatively interpreted on the concept of plate tectonics

  10. 现代油气勘探的理论体系包括4个方面:(1)以板块构造学说为基础的盆地评价理论;

    Modern petroleum , exploration theory system consists of 4 parts : basin assessment theory based on plate tectonics ;

  11. 板块构造学说揭示了海底扩张和板块的水平运动现象,阐明了与板块边界相联系的岩浆活动。

    The plate tectonic theory reveals the seafloor spreading and plate lateral movement , and illustrates magmatism related to plate boundaries .

  12. 彩钢板加工、筑用金属结构加工、造、装。这板块构造学说的理论讲些什么?

    Choi metal processing , construction metal structures processing , manufacture , installation . What does the theory of plate tectonics maintain ?

  13. 板块构造学说中一个假想的大陆,后来分裂成亚、欧、北美的古大陆。

    A hypothetical continent that ( according to plate tectonic theory ) broke up later into North America and Europe and Asia .

  14. 论述了一个旨在统一板块构造学说和地幔柱学说的地球动力学理论。

    In this paper , the author advocates a new dynamical theory of the Earth , attempting to unify plate tectonics and plume theories .

  15. 地块构造是指固体地球的地块相对运动。这板块构造学说的理论讲些什么?

    Block tectonics implies that blocks of the solid earth move in relation to each other . What does the theory of plate tectonics maintain ?

  16. 板块构造学说主张,地球表面积(或地球半径)并未发生过显著的增加或减小。

    The theory of plate tectonics motion claims that superficial area of earth ( or radius of earth ) has no clear increase or reduction .

  17. 板块构造学说中假想的一个大陆,后来分裂成印巴次大陆和澳洲以及非洲和南美洲。

    A hypothetical continent that ( according to plate tectonic theory ) broke up later into India and Australia and Africa and South America and Antarctica .

  18. 板块构造学说的诞生使它在70年代中期初步上升为理论,成为建立地球动力学模型的基础。

    The plate tectonics promotes it to raise to the tentative level of theory and become a foundation of establishing geodynamic model in the middle of the 1970s .

  19. 第一章,板块构造学说产生的历史回顾,对地质学史进行阶段划分,分析其观念、理论的进步之处以及其标志性成果。

    The first chapter reviews the history of plate tectonics generation , makes phase classifications to geologic history and analyzes its concept , theory progress aswell as symbolic achievements .

  20. 后碰撞作用是板块构造学说中整个造山旋回的一个重要阶段,而后碰撞岩浆活动(包括岩浆侵入活动和火山喷出活动)却是该过程中的一个重要地质构造事件。

    Post-collision is an important stage of the whole orogenic cycle in plate tectonics , while post-collisional magmatic activities ( including intrusive and extrusive magmatism ) are important tectonic events .

  21. 大火成岩省学说所解释的大陆增长、地壳物质返回地幔和成矿作用过程完全不同于板块构造学说。

    The academic opinions related to large igneous provinces propose a set of mechanisms to explain continental growth , recycling of crustal materials and metallogenesis , and these mechanisms are entirely different from those of the plate tectonic theory .

  22. 经历一个世纪的迟滞发展之后,由于本世纪60年代以来出现的生物学新理论、板块构造学说以及大量新技术新手段的引进,古生物学又发生了巨大的进步。

    After a sluggish way of a century , a great progress has been made in palaeontology since 1960s , when plate tectonics theory and new biological theories appeared and a lot of new techniques and approaches were introduced into this old subject .

  23. 介绍了关于地球地壳运动的板块学说理论,主要内容是板块运动的动力、板块的划分、板块的分界线,以及板块构造学说与地震的关系。

    Plate tectonics is explained , including motive force of crustal movement , delimitation and boundary of plates , relation be-tween plate tectonics and earthquake .