
  • 网络logistics liability insurance
  1. 如何发展物流责任保险已经成为物流行业关注的热点问题,单纯照抄照搬国外的产品并不能解决国内的诸多实际问题,而国内保险公司自己推出的物流责任保险相互间抄袭严重。

    How to develop the logistics liability insurance has been one of the focuses among the logistics industry . To completely copy foreign product cannot solve the practical problems . But there exist severe plagiarism between domestic insurance companies .

  2. 但是物流企业个体存在巨大的差异性、僵化的产品定价方法和相对不充分的保障范围;加之国内的政府政策和物流法律法规皆有待完善,种种原因造成了目前物流责任保险产品的发展窘境。

    But the huge diversity of different logistics enterprise , the inflexible pricing system for premium and insufficient coverage range , while the logistics laws and regulations in China need to be perfect , all these factors lead to the awkward situation of the developing of logistics liability insurance product .

  3. 构建我国环境责任保险制度的几点思考物流环境责任保险制度构架的理性思考

    Some Rational Considerations on the Construction of Logistics Environment Liability Insurance System

  4. 第三方物流责任风险的保险转移研究

    The Study on Insurance Transfer of the Third Party Logistics ' Liability Risk