
wù quán fǎ
  • property law
  1. 政府还制定了物权法,使合法的私有财产得到法律保护;修改了选举法,使城乡选民具有平等的权利;废除了收容遣送条例,使农民自由进城务工。

    The government has also formulated3 the Property Law to protect the legal property rights of the people , amended4 the Election Law to ensure equal rights of election of urban and rural residents , and abolished the regulations that restrict the freedom of mobility5 of rural residents into the cities .

  2. 领有名词移位:基于MP的分析论物权法中占有的权利推定规则

    An MP Approach to Possessor Raising in Chinese On the Rule of Ownership Presumption in Favor of the Possessor in Property Law

  3. 我国目前正在制定物权法,不动产登记在物权法中占据重要地位。

    At present , our government is making property right law .

  4. 论物权法背景下的所有权保留买卖制度

    The Trade System of Ownership Reservation on Background of Property Law

  5. 《物权法(草案)》为什么要回避如此重要的问题呢?

    Why does the new law evade such an important issue ?

  6. 关于中国物权法制定的几个问题

    A Few Problems on Making the Law of Real Right

  7. 关于物权法中空间权若干问题的探讨

    On the Questions about the Space Right in the Law of Property

  8. 论自然资源的物权法调整

    The Regulation of Real Right Law in the Area of Natural Resources

  9. 让与担保的物权法空间

    The Struggling Prospects of " Transferring Guarantee " in the Property Law

  10. 论物权法的公示公信原则

    On the Public Show and Public Faith Principle of Law of Properties

  11. 实施《物权法》对野生植物保护的影响分析

    Impacts of the Property Right Law on Wild Plant Management

  12. 非原则性的权宜手段.论《物权法》中非依法律行为引起的物权变动

    Real Right Alternation Caused by Non-juristic Acts in Property Law

  13. 虚拟财产保护的物权法借重

    The Virtual Property Protection Reality of Laws Relies on Helping

  14. 我国物权法中应规定间接占有制度

    Indirect Possess Regulation Should be Formulated in Property Law

  15. 公共利益界定&兼评物权法草案第四十九条

    Public Interest Identification & Reviewing Item 49 of the Draft of Property Law

  16. 略论物权法的基本原则论我国民法典应规定的基本原则体系

    Discussion of the Fundamental Principles of the Property Law

  17. 物权法对银行抵押权的影响及对策研究

    The Impact of Property Law on Mortgage of Banks and the Countermeasure Research

  18. 我国当前正在进行着物权法和民法典的立法工作。

    China now is conducting legislation of the Civil Code and Property Law .

  19. 进口押汇业务中的担保法律问题研究&兼对《物权法(草案)》担保物权编的修改建议

    On the Legal Problem of Guarantee in Import Mortgage

  20. 物权法具有显著的固有法性,我国农地使用权的物权化建构不应忽视国情。

    Real right has obvious characteristics of inherent law .

  21. 物权法与国际投资的国有化及征收

    The Law of Real Rights and the Nationalization and Levying about International Investment

  22. 人役权制度与中国物权法

    On Personal Servitude Right and Property Law of China

  23. 我国物权法应采纳物权行为的独立性理论

    Real Right Law Of Our Country Should Adopt Independence Theory Of Real Right

  24. 中国最近颁布的《物权法》就是这样一个例子。

    The recently enacted property rights law in China is one such example .

  25. 论我国物权法对私人财产权的保护实施

    Recognizing the Protection of Personal Property Rights by the Chinese Property Rights Law

  26. 物权法的立法思考

    A Legislative Reflection on the Law of Real Right

  27. 经济全球化与物权法的国际化

    Economic Globalization and Internationalization of the Real Law

  28. 中国物权法的起草

    Drafting of Law of Real Rights of China

  29. 物权法调整对象的立法思考

    The Reality of Laws Controlled Member Legislation Ponder

  30. 现代物权法的发展趋势及其对我国物权立法的启示

    The Trends of Modern Property Law and Its Impact on the Legislation in China