
  • 网络Logistics service quality;lsq
  1. 因此本论文针对该问题,通过调研和查阅相关文献,提出了符合我国的B2C电子商务物流服务质量测度体系,并建立测度模型,具有一定的现实意义。

    This thesis focuses on the problem , proposed a system of logistics service quality measures and established measurement model which meet the conditions of domestic B2C e-commerce .

  2. 本文在分析销售渠道改变后COFCO公司物流服务质量和成本存在的问题的基础上,给出了改善的对策。

    Based on the analysis of problems existing on the logistics service quality and delivery cost , the paper presents several effective countermeasures for COFCO company .

  3. 正基于此,本文通过分析E公司这个跨国制造企业的供应链管理模式,提出了供应链环境下基于顾客满意度的物流服务质量体系,并选择模糊层次分析法(模糊AHP)进行了评价。

    Therefore , a logistics service quality system based on customer satisfaction under supply chain environment has been established by analyzing the supply chain management mode of E-Company .

  4. 那么,消费者如何评价B2C网络购物的物流服务质量?企业可以从哪些方面去改进自己的物流服务质量?关于这些问题目前尚无完善的科学研究体系和方法。

    So , how do consumers evaluate the quality of logistics services during B2C online shopping ? In which aspects could online sellers improve their logistics service quality ?

  5. 同时站在服务模式能够持续健康发展的角度上,提出采用客户反馈机制、3PL竞争机制来监控第三方物流服务质量。

    At the same time , standing on the service mode which can promotes its continuous and healthy development . a methods of quality control of third-party logistics service was developed through a customer feedback mechanism and a 3PL competition mechanism .

  6. 通过改进物流服务质量差距模型(SERVQUAL模型)建立评价指标,分析了物流服务失误形成机理,运用模糊层次评价法评价了物流服务质量,为构建物流服务补救体系提供了依据。

    Through the improvement of logistics service quality gap model ( SERVQUAL model ), it selects the evaluation index , analyses the formation mechanism of logistics service mistakes , uses the fuzzy AHP evaluation method for evaluating logistics service quality , providing the basis of constructing logistics service recovery system .

  7. 集装箱门到门运输企业物流服务质量分析与评估

    Analysis and Evaluation on Logistics Service Quality of Container Door-to-door Transport Enterprises

  8. 基于模糊方法的医药物流服务质量评价研究

    Evaluation of Medical Logistics Service Quality Based on Fuzzy Method

  9. 国外物流服务质量研究述评

    Review of the Foreign Study on Logistics Service Quality

  10. 基于动态模糊理论的物流服务质量综合评价

    Comprehensive Logistics Service Quality Evaluation Based on Fuzzy Theory

  11. 港口物流服务质量研究

    Research on Service Quality in the Maritime Port Logistics

  12. 基于供应链管理视角的第三方物流服务质量评价研究

    Research on Evaluation of 3PL Service Quality from the Perspective of Supply Chain Management

  13. 运用质量功能展开方法的物流服务质量改进

    Quality Function Deployment for Logistics Service Quality Improvement

  14. 基于物流服务质量的物流服务定价研究

    Study on Logistics Service Pricing Based on Quality

  15. 卷烟物流服务质量评估指标的实证遴选及其应用

    An Empirical Choice of Service Quality Valuation Indexes of Tobacco Logistics and Its Application

  16. 基于顾客导向的物流服务质量管理研究

    Study on Customer-oriented Logistics Service Quality Management

  17. 本研究通过实证分析,得出如下主要结论:第一,港口物流服务质量对顾客感知价值产生重要影响。

    Service quality of port logistics has great influence on the perceived value of the customer .

  18. 论物流服务质量管理&兼与王之泰教授商榷

    On Quality Control of Logistics Service

  19. 物流服务质量仿佛成了阻碍网上购物继续蓬勃发展的重要因素。

    Logistics service quality seems to be an important factor to enhance the prosperity of online shopping .

  20. 然后介绍第三方物流服务质量的相关概念,以及第三方物流服务质量改进的方法。

    And then we introduce the related concepts of 3PL service quality as well as its improvement methods .

  21. 实证结果还表明,5个物流服务质量构面分别通过满意和信任对忠诚产生间接作用。

    Results also show that five dimensions of logistics service quality have indirect effect on satisfaction and loyalty respectively .

  22. 同时,通过网购物流服务质量构成维度的测量量表,并通过调研对测量量表进行了修订。

    The study explores the dimensions of logistics service quality measurement scale , and revises the scale by pre-research .

  23. 第三方物流服务质量评价指标体系构建之我见&基于供应链管理视角

    Index system for evaluation of the quality of third party logistics & From the respected of supply chain management

  24. 构建了物流服务质量评价系统、物流服务补救预应系统、物流服务补救反应系统。

    Constructing the logistic service quality evaluation system and logistics service recovery pre-remediation system , logistics service recovery reaction system .

  25. 物流服务质量已经成为了决定网络消费者是否忠于同一网络商店的重要因素。

    Logistics service quality has become the important factors to decide whether network consumers are loyal to the same e-store .

  26. 数据分析的结果表明不同类型和地理位置的零售客户对测量量表各题项的评分不尽相同,物流服务质量各维度对零售客户总体满意度的重要性水平也不同。

    The data analysis suggests that different types and different addresses of retail customers have different levels of satisfaction of the measuring items .

  27. 首先建立了以顾客满意度为基准的物流服务质量指标体系并采用定量的方法确定了各个指标的权重。

    The thesis firstly establishes the benchmark for customer satisfaction logistics service quality factors system and then calculate the percentage of all factors .

  28. 然后根据此指标体系确定了将要研究的企业的物流服务质量水平。

    Secondly according to the logistics service quality factors system the thesis points out the level of the logistic enterprise which is studied .

  29. 以往的许多论文大都忽略了网上购物中发生退货情况时的物流服务质量,或者直接将其整合到正常购物时的模型。

    Most of the past papers ignored the logistics service which occured in return situation , or directly integrated it into the normal shopping model .

  30. 第六,港口物流服务质量中的物理条件与顾客满意无直接正相关,但通过顾客感知价值中介变量与顾客满意产生间接正相关。

    The physical conditions in the port logistics service quality is not directly related to customer satisfaction , but indirectly related through customer perceived value .