
  • 网络order processing;Order Handling;Order Management
  1. 通过阅读developerWorks系列文章“Ondemandbusinessprocesslifecycle”(请参见参考资料),可以了解有关如何构建可重用资产来转换订单处理系统的更多信息。

    You can learn more about how to build reusable assets to transform an order processing system in the developerWorks series " On demand business process life cycle "( see Resources ) .

  2. 该文较详尽地介绍了JMS的异步消息处理技术,并分析了一个订单处理的应用实例。

    This paper introduces the technology of Java message service . In addition , the design of the order processing with JMS is explained .

  3. 首先让我们创建订单处理Web服务SEI。

    First let 's create the order-processing Web service SEI .

  4. 在本系列的上一部分中,您利用WebSphereIntegrationDeveloper构建了一个简单的面向服务的订单处理应用程序。

    A previous article in this series had you build a simple service-oriented order processing application using WebSphere Integration Developer .

  5. 创建订单处理Web服务SEI

    Create the order-processing Web service SEI

  6. 这部分通过对订单处理子系统进行分析和设计,从而提出了一个基于UML的RUP建模过程。

    This part offers a RUP model process based on UML by analyzing and designing the order management system .

  7. 运用BPR理论改造学籍管理流程的设想信息技术管理&订单处理的标准化促动因素

    Assumption on reengineering the process of student - records management with the principles of BPR

  8. 下面让我们深入地研究一下如何使用JAX-WS前端创建订单处理Web服务,然后将其注册为SpringBean。

    Let 's look specifically at how to create an order-processing Web service and then register it as a Spring bean using a JAX-WS front end .

  9. 并进行了以订单处理自动化为核心的石油物资采购供应系统模块功能设计、订单元素设计和XML文档与数据库之间存储、查询。

    Function and module about the petroleum system material stock which takes automation about the order process as the core and order element is designed and storage and query from XML document to database is executed .

  10. 常见的OLTP包括银行应用、订单处理系统和航空订票系统。

    Examples of OLTP environments include banking applications , order processing systems , and airline reservation systems .

  11. 通过使用WCF,他们把订单处理逻辑抽象到一个中央共享服务中去,这样其它渠道也可以使用。

    Using WCF , they abstracted order processing logic into a central shared set of services , that multiple channels can use .

  12. 订单处理应用程序(OrderProcessing)从外部客户接收订单信息。

    The order processing application ( OrderProcessing ) receives order information from an external client .

  13. 同时在研究分布式应用系统和开发实践中,作者结合最新的SOAP技术对现有的分布式模型进行了补充,并运用此补充模型开发了在线订单处理系统原型。

    During researching distributed application system and the development practice , the author supplemented nowaday distributed model with the latest SOAP technology , and used the new model to develop a prototype of on-line orders process system .

  14. 对XS公司的客户服务水平、销售预测、订单处理流程、库存策略和配送战略进行了设计和改进。

    Designs and improves level of customer service , sales forecast , dealing with order procedure , stock and distribution strategy to XS Company .

  15. 本教程的第1部分提供了有关Lombardi的概述,介绍了其架构和订单处理解决方案。

    This initial part of the tutorial provided an overview of Lombardi , introducing its architecture and outlining the Order Handling solution .

  16. Web1.0用户仅仅可以浏览类别、购买商品并跟踪他们的订单处理状态。

    Web1.0 consumers could simply browse a catalog , purchase an item , and track their order-processing status .

  17. 如果公司开发用于订单处理的RPG程序,这通常是由于公司希望将RPG程序与世界各地供应商相结合。

    If a company uses RPG programs for order processing , it 's generally because the company wants to integrate the RPG programs with suppliers around the world .

  18. 并在研究和分析本系统的基础上,利用J2EE技术实现本系统,以解决协同电子商务中的信息发现与订单处理等问题。

    Further more , on the basis of research and analysis of the system , the paper adopts J2EE technology to implement this system to solve the problems of Collaborative E-commerce such as information discovering , order processing and so on .

  19. 例如,假设某个订单处理组件需要调用发货组件的shipOrder操作。

    For example , suppose an order-processing component needs to call the shipOrder operation of a shipping component .

  20. 在该文中,我们还了解了使用面向服务的体系结构构建订单处理应用程序(OrderProcessing)的主要步骤。

    In that article , we also saw the main steps to building an order processing application ( OrderProcessing ) using a service-oriented architecture .

  21. 并利用CPNTOOLs中的状态空间工具完成对模型的基本特性分析,并在此模型中添加时间戳来建立订单处理的时间CPN模型,利用CPNTOOLs中的仿真工具对新模型进行仿真分析。

    And the state space tools of CPN Tools complete analysis of the order process CPN model of the basic characteristics . It is add timestamp to the CPN model and the simulation tools of CPN Tools obtain and analyse the simulate report .

  22. 在随即打开的测试客户机中,选择ProcessOrder组件和placeOrder操作,因为此操作是订单处理的初始操作。

    In the test client that opens , select ProcessOrder for the component and placeOrder for the operation , because that is the kick-off operation for the order processing .

  23. 分析了MC、GT及ERP的关系,给出了MC环境下客户订单处理的典型流程,提出了GT和ERP相结合的订单管理方案。

    The relationships among mass customization , group technology ( GT ) and enterprise resource planning ( ERP ) are discussed , typical order management procedure under MC environment is given , and a solution to order management which is GT and ERP based is presented .

  24. 本文提出并实现MA-CECS系统,以解决协同电子商务中的信息发现与订单处理问题,为进一步实现复杂协同电子商务系统做了必要的理论与实践准备,具有一定的参考价值。

    This paper puts forward and realizes the MA-CECS system in order to resolve the problems of Collaborative E-commerce such as information discovering , order processing , and so on , which is practically valuable and makes a necessary theory and practice preparation for further realizing complex Collaborative E-commerce system .

  25. 例如,假设您具有一个订单处理模块。

    For example , suppose that you have an order-processing module .

  26. 面向小型供应商、支持订单处理和管理的托管应用程序。

    Hosted applications for order processing and management for smaller suppliers .

  27. 信息技术管理&订单处理的标准化促动因素浅议继电保护反措规范化管理

    Discussion on the Normalization Management of Relay Protection Countermeasures on

  28. 在跨国公司有两年以上销售订单处理的经验。

    At least two years previous experience in order processing in MNC .

  29. 图11显示了制造商的订单处理系统的输出。

    Figure 11 shows the output of the manufacturer 's order-processing system .

  30. 营业结束处理,比如报表、订单处理、和财务对帐单

    Close-of-business processing such as reporting , order processing , and account reconciliation