
  • 网络Order fulfillment;Order Fulfilling
  1. 订单履行被认为是电子商务中的薄弱环节,由于Internet的快节奏和消费者对于快速服务要求的不断增加,消费者已经不愿意等待数周或者数月来获得网上订购的商品。

    Order fulfillment is regarded as one of the weakest links in e-commerce . Due to the fast pace of the Internet and the growing expectations for timely service , consumers are no longer willing to wait several weeks or months to have their orders fulfilled .

  2. 订单履行流程集成及其实现框架模型研究

    Process integration and implement framework model of order fulfillment

  3. WIRTGENCHINA指示的交付期限应当自订单履行所需的全部问题均解决以后开始计算。

    A delivery period indicated by WIRTGEN CHINA shall commence only once all issues required for the performance of the order have been resolved .

  4. 指出KT公司实施一系列措施后可以采用按单生产的订单履行模式,并给出了详细的生产计划解决方案。

    Pointed out that the KT Company can implement build to order model if take a series of measures , and gives the detailed production planning solutions .

  5. 在一个电子商务中,对“产品”的定义除了上述四点外,还包括订单履行(fulfillment)、商品包装、客户服务、退换货策略。

    If you work at a true e-commerce company , then the definition of " product " is broadened to include the fulfillment , packaging , customer service and return policies .

  6. 最后,论文以KT公司为案例,依据订单履行模式的选择设计步骤和订单履行模式下的库存计划设计方法详细分析研究了KT公司的库存计划设计方案。

    This thesis points out inventory planning design methods under different order fulfillment models . Finally , take KT Company as a case , do a deeply research according to the design steps of order fulfillment model and inventory planning .

  7. 影响订单履行决策的因素有哪些?如何减少负面影响?

    What are the impacts of my order fulfilment decisions ? How can I minimize this impact ?

  8. 从生产模式出发,分析了单件定制,大规模生产和大规模定制的特点以及它们对订单履行的影响,其中重点分析了大规模定制的丰田生产方式和戴尔直接模式。

    Start from production model , analysis the one-piece customization , mass production and mass customization features as well as their influence on order fulfillment , and that focuses on the analysis of mass customization of the Toyota production system and the Dell direct model .

  9. 整个物流网络中的各个节点可以采用不同的库存策略.绩效评价指标,如每个节点的订单履行率、最终客户的服务水平和网络中的库存成本用排队论和生产授权卡控制机制分析。

    Inventory policies are specified throughout the network , performance measures such as order fill-rate at each site in the network , end-customer service levels , and the inventory cost in the network can be analyzed by using queuing theory and production authorization card control mechanism .

  10. 如附带本订单的履行时,卖方应向slyer公开所有与卖方产品、生产方法或工艺有关的资料,除非另有明确的书面约定,买方应有权将该资料用于任何目的。

    If incidental to their performance of this order , seller shall disclose to slyer any information concerning the sellers products , manufacturing methods or process , then unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing , buyer shall have the right to use such information for any purpose .

  11. 请随时告知我方订单的履行情况。

    Please keep us posted of the execution of our order .

  12. 在过程执行结束后,程序遍历了所有订单并只履行那些当前?存项可以满足订购要求的订单。

    At the end of the execution of this procedure , the program has gone through all the orders and fulfilled only those that can be fulfilled with the items currently in stock .

  13. 假如货物已在付运途中,请电告何时可运抵。倘订单仍需履行,请赶紧履行。

    If the goods are already on route , kindly cable us when they will arrive at this port . If the order has not yet been executed , we would appreciate your putting a rush on the execution .

  14. 如果所有订单项都被履行,那么订单被标记为当天发送。

    If all items are fulfilled , the order is marked as being shipped with the current date .

  15. 一旦客户或业务合作伙伴通过这两个通道之一下了订单,就将履行订单。

    Once a customer or business partner places an order from either of these two channels , the order is fulfilled .

  16. 实施订单管理的目的是通过对订单履行活动进行有效管理来向顾客提供及时而又准确的产品递送服务。

    The purpose of Order Management is providing timely and accurate delivery service by control the process of order implementation .

  17. 大多数下订单应用程序需要立即确认订单,但履行则是长时间运行的流程。

    Most applications where an order is being placed , and that require immediate confirmation of the order , yet fulfillment is a long-running process .

  18. 对已签约定订单实行项目式的管理,确保订单按约履行。

    We always build a team for single order to ensure the shipment .

  19. 下了新订单时(通过下订单用例),将启动订单履行流程。

    When a new order is placed ( by the Place Order use case ), the order fulfillment process is started .