
  • 网络property insurance
  1. 树山收到的总额为$900多元的账单,似乎低于一份物业保险的垫底费。

    The bill of over $ 900 Shu received does not seem to be over the insurance deductible .

  2. 但是,当事故损失是由公寓业主的疏忽所致时,他需要支付公寓物业保险中的垫底部分。如果维修费用保险低于垫底费,公寓业主则须承担全部维修损失费用。

    However , the unit owner is billed for the insurance deductible when the damages are caused by his negligence , and will be billed for the full price if the repair costs are less than the deductible .

  3. 适用于一个以上的个人或物业的保险。

    A single insurance policy that applies to more than one person or property .

  4. 物业管理与保险紧密互动,积极构筑和谐社会

    Close Interaction between Property Management and Insurance , Active Establishment of Harmonious Society

  5. 物业管理行业引进保险的思考

    Consideration Upon Introducing Insurance In Property Management

  6. 有关业主除了居住环境得到改善外,妥善楼宇维修亦有助提升其物业价值及减低保险费用。

    Not only has the living environment of the owners concerned been improved , proper building maintenance has also helped to upgrade property values and reduce insurance premium .