
  • 网络logistics bank
  1. 物流银行&中小企业融资新途径

    Logistics Bank & A New way of Financing for SME

  2. 这种大环境下,物流银行业务应运而生。

    Under this circumstance , logistics bank operation has an opportunity to generate .

  3. 目前,一项金融创新取得突破性进展,物流银行质押贷款业务应运而生。

    A breakthrough has been made in financial innovation i.e.cargo-backed loans .

  4. 即物流银行的出现具有这种契合性优势。

    That is , the emergence of logistics banks have this advantage fit .

  5. 做到定性和定量方法相结合来对合作的物流银行项目进行不定期的风险控制和评价。

    We unites the qualitative and quantitative methods to control and evaluate the risks .

  6. 物流银行:融资新军

    Logistic Bank : the Power of Financing

  7. 中小企业一直存在融资难的问题,本文介绍一项金融创新&物流银行质押贷款业务,该业务的推出成功地解决了这一问题。

    There is always a problem of financing for SMEs , and the paper introduces a new product & logistics bank , who can resolve the problem successfully .

  8. 作为一项金融创新,物流银行业务较好地解决了中小企业因缺少固定资产而出现的融资难、担保难的问题。

    As a financial innovation , logistics , banking solved because of the lack of small and medium-sized fixed assets arising from difficulties in financing , the problem of security .

  9. 但同时,“物流银行”这种新兴的金融业务也面临着来自仓单质押业务、中小企业和银行内部管理等多方面的风险,需要采取措施防范和规避。

    However , the " logistics bank " is also faced with some new risks that result from the cargo-backed loans , SMEs business and banks internal management , which is needed to take measures to evade .

  10. 在此背景下,拓宽中小企业的融资渠道成为经济、社会关注的中线,物流银行业务作为一种通过中小企业产品的质押来向商业银行获取贷款的业务应运而生。

    In this context , to broaden the financing channels of small and medium-sized enterprises become the economic and social concern line and logistics business bank as a through the small and medium-sized enterprises of the products to the commercial bank pledged for loans business arises at the historic moment .

  11. 国内外一些先进的物流企业及银行适时地推出了多样化的供应链金融服务,以帮助企业实现对资金流的管理。

    Under the circumstances , some advanced banks and logistics enterprises at home and abroad launched a variety of supply chain finance services to help companies manage the cash flow .

  12. 文章依据业务流程分别对物流企业与银行的合作模式选择、中小企业信贷风险评估、质押存货质押率确定三个环节进行了建模和优化,并以仿真模拟验证了模型的有效性。

    According to the business process , the dissertation respectively establishes and optimizes models for TPL providers and bank contract screening , SMEs credit risk assessing , loan-to-value ratios determining . Then the results of analog simulation show that the proposed model is feasible and accurate .

  13. 在此基础上,结合作者工作实践,从云南省物流金融业务和银行实际操作状况出发,分析其中存在的问题特征及其发展趋势,进而从目前商业银行如何拓展物流金融服务提出一些建议。

    On this basis , combining the working practice , from Yunnan logistics financial business and actual operation situation , bank , analyzes the problems existing in the feature and development tendency , and from the commercial Banks to expand financial services and put forward some suggestions of logistics .

  14. 物流金融业务的兴起给银行和物流企业带来了新的契机,但同时也伴随着相应的物流金融风险,如何控制物流金融风险成为银行与物流企业开展物流金融业务的首要任务。

    The rise of the logistics financial services has brought new opportunities to banks and logistics companies , but it also associated with the corresponding financial risks , how to control the logistics financial risk becomes the primary task of bank and the logistics company .

  15. 基于物流信息平台的金融创新-物流银行

    Logistics Bank & a Financial Innovation Based on Logistics Information Platform

  16. 伴随我国物流业的巨大发展,单证物流已经受到银行、证券等相关企业越来越多的重视。

    With the great development of logistics , Bill Logistics has been paid more attention by insider of logistics .

  17. 开展物流金融服务是现今物流业发展的趋势之一,也是供应商、采购商、第三方物流企业和银行多方盈利的利润增长点。

    To carry out logistics financial services is the current trend of development of the logistics industry also bring profit growth point of profit to the suppliers , purchasers , third-party logistics enterprises and banks .

  18. 这种融资业务模式主要是通过物流企业参与整个融资过程,并且提供对动产的监管与担保,从而打破了以不动产质押的传统融资模式,使得借款企业,物流企业与银行达到共同获益。

    This type of financing means that the logistics companies participate the whole process of financing and provide the regulatory and guarantee to movable property , breaking the traditional model of financing which pledging the immovable property . The borrowers , logistics companies and the banks will all get benefits .