
  • 网络default insurance
  1. markitgroup的数据显示,债务违约保险成本今年初约为51个基点,与目前的水平形成鲜明对比。

    That compares with a level of about 51bp at the start of the year , according to data from Markit group .

  2. 但是,该部门的扩张计划包括为投资者提供针对债务抵押债券(CDO)的违约保险。

    But part of its expansion plan included insuring investors against defaults on collateralised debt obligations ( CDOs ), or pools of securities .

  3. 衡量金融业债务违约保险成本的itraxx欧洲(itraxxeurope)高级金融指数过去三周上涨了20%。

    The itraxx Europe senior financials index , which measures the cost of insuring financial sector debt against default , is up 20 per cent in three weeks .

  4. 在欧洲,基准的itraxx欧洲(itraxxeurope)指数中125家投资级成份股公司的债券违约保险成本,上周五一度飙升至156个基点的新高,收盘报于146个基点。

    In Europe , the cost of insuring the debt of the 125 investment-grade companies in the benchmark itraxx Europe Index surged to a new high of 156bp , before closing at 146bp on Friday .

  5. 举一个例子:在2007年初,ABX指数由债务违约保险成本编制而成暗示,实际上没有次级抵押贷款会违约。

    To take one example : at the beginning of 2007 , the ABX index - compiled from the price of protecting against default - implied that virtually no subprime mortgages would default .

  6. 因此,自5月1日后贝尔斯登反弹行情结束以来,一些大型性地区银行购买贷款违约保险的价格上升逾一倍,而KBW银行业指数下跌了36%。

    Hence the price of buying insurance against the default of some large regional banks has more than doubled since May 1 , when the post-Bear rally expired , while the KBW banking index has dropped 36 per cent .

  7. 西班牙国债违约保险成本昨日创出历史新高。

    The cost of insuring against a Spanish default hit a record yesterday .

  8. 5年期政府债券的违约保险价格飙升四分之一。

    The price of protecting five-year government debt against default has leapt by a quarter .

  9. 该保险集团不仅规模超过雷曼,而且还为众多其它银行持有的证券提供违约保险。

    The insurance group is not just bigger than Lehman but has insured numerous other banks against defaults on securities they hold .

  10. 美国投资级债券的违约保险成本从1月份的80个基点,飙升至188个基点的高位。

    The cost of protecting US investment grade debt against default soared to a high of 188 basis points , from 80bp in January .

  11. 由于市场对一些大型金融集团的风险愈加担心,针对一些投资银行的违约保险成本昨日有所上升。

    The cost of buying protection against a default by some investment banks rose yesterday amid growing nervousness about risks in some large financial groups .

  12. 随着美国和欧洲公司的债务违约保险成本飙升至历史最高水平,信贷市场昨日陷入新一轮动荡。

    Credit markets were thrown into fresh turmoil yesterday as the cost of protecting the debt of us and European companies against default surged to all-time highs .

  13. 随着债券收益率的提高以及希腊和爱尔兰国债违约保险成本的上升,上周五两国再次成为投资者对主权债务担忧的焦点。

    Greece and Ireland bore the brunt of investors'sovereign-debt concerns again on Friday , as bond yields and the cost of insuring government debt against default increased for both countries .

  14. 随着兴业银行的股票大跌,其债务违约保险成本飙升了55个基点,这意味借贷成本将会显著提高。

    As Soci é t é G é n é rale 's shares tumbled , the cost of insuring its debt against default soared by55 basis points , suggesting it will face a significant increase in borrowing costs .

  15. 然而与此同时,信贷市场存在着不同观点。欧洲现金债券价格触及低点,衍生品市场债券的违约保险成本仍处于或接近高位,主要原因是金融债券息差的不断上升。

    However , at the same time credit markets took a different view , with European cash bond prices hitting lows and the cost of protecting bonds against default in derivatives markets remaining at , or near , highs , driven mainly by rising spreads on financial debt .

  16. 为了针对违约提供保险保护,购买CDS的交易者向卖家支付以基点表述的保费。

    To insure against default , the buyer of a CDS pays the seller a premium , whose value is denoted in basis points .

  17. cds合约提供一种防范借款人违约的保险,一直受到一些监管者的诟病,认为它加剧了危机。

    CDS contracts provide a form of insurance against default by a borrower and have been blamed by some regulators for exacerbating the crisis .

  18. 自胡士泰(SternHu)被拘留以来,力拓股价上涨了11%,而防范其债务违约的保险价格下跌了9%。

    Since Stern Hu had his collar felt , Rio 's shares have gained 11 per cent , while the price of protecting its debt against default has fallen by 9 per cent .

  19. 以往,发达国家cds市场较为萧条,因为几乎没有投资者认为,自己有必要购买或出售针对一种可能性极小的违约的保险。

    In the past , the CDS market for developed countries was sluggish , because few investors saw the need to buy or sell protection against a risk of default that seemed exceedingly remote .

  20. cds最初被设计为一种针对违约的保险工具,后来成为美国国际集团(aig)等机构在企业信贷和房贷债务上大举押注的工具,因而被广泛指责放大了信贷危机。

    Initially devised as a type of insurance on defaults , the CDS market is widely blamed for amplifying the credit crisis as it became a means for institutions like AIG to place vast bets on corporate credit and mortgage debt .

  21. 众议院两个重要委员会的这项提案,将推动多数衍生品进入交易所或清算所,但没有解决是否取缔买方无需持有基础资产的无实体CDS的问题。CDS是一种规避债券违约的保险。

    The proposal by key committees of the House of Representatives would push most derivatives on to an exchange or clearing house but leaves open the issue of whether to outlaw CDSs a type of insurance against bonds defaulting in which the buyer does not own the underlying asset .

  22. 它们理应向债券持有人提供违约风险保险。

    They are supposed to provide insurance against default to bondholders .

  23. 对于信用违约的保险费用也不断上涨。

    So did premiums on insurance against credit default .

  24. 全球各地针对新兴市场违约的保险成本也迅速攀升。

    The cost of insuring against default in emerging markets around the world also leapt .

  25. 针对乌克兰和俄罗斯债务违约的保险成本跃升了15%。

    The cost of insuring Ukrainian and Russian debt against a default jumped by 15 per cent .

  26. 金价大涨,针对大型银行违约的保险成本飙升。

    The gold price rallied and the cost of insuring against defaults by big banks has shot up .

  27. 例如,为巴西价值100美元的违约购买保险,只需支付99美分。

    For example , it costs only 99 cents to buy insurance against $ 100 worth of default by Brazil .

  28. 针对迪拜违约的保险成本目前针对该酋长国100万美元债务违约的保险成本为56931美元可能太高了。

    The cost of insuring against a default by Dubai now $ 56,931 to insure a million dollars of the emirate 's debt could be too high .

  29. 在围绕美国是否应该提高国债上限的政治角力白热化之际,交易员和投资者加大了针对美国主权债务违约的保险产品的购买力度。

    Traders and investors have stepped up purchases of insurance against a US sovereign debt default , amid heated political wrangling over raising the US debt ceiling .

  30. 通过购买针对公司债和住房抵押贷款违约的保险,银行能降低他们必须在资产负债表上维持的呆滞资本的数额。

    By buying insurance against defaults on corporate debt and residential mortgages , banks could reduce the amount of idle capital they had to hold on their balance sheet .