
  • 网络Illegal command;Command against rules
  1. 违章指挥或者强令冒险作业危及劳动者人身安全的;

    Illegally directing or ordering any worker to conduct dangerous operations that may imperil the worker 's personal safety ;

  2. 严禁管理者违章指挥,强令职工冒险作业。

    Managers are strictly forbidden to give instructions against rules and regulations or compel employees to work at risk .

  3. 违章指挥:是指企业领导和生产指挥人员滥用职权违章命令或强迫命令工人违反规章制度,冒险进行操作的行为。

    Violation in commanding : leaders of enterprise and production commanding staff abuse their authorities to give orders or force the workers to violate the rules and operate under risky conditions .

  4. 工人违章作业,管理人员违章指挥以及企业组织施行不安全行为等,是导致我国煤矿事故多发的主要原因。

    Workers out of operation , management personnel in violation of regulations and unsafe behavior of enterprise organization and so on , are the main reason causing our country coal mine accident for the multiple .