
  • 网络disciplinary offence;indiscipline;Delinquent behavior
  1. 即属作出违纪行为。

    Shall be guilty of a disciplinary offence .

  2. 任何惩教署人员或受雇于监狱的其它人,如犯违纪行为,可被解雇,或可按照由本条例或根据本条例规定的其它形式予以处置。

    Any officer of the Correctional Services Department or other person employed in the prisons who commits a disciplinary offence shall be liable to be dismissed or otherwise dealt with as provided by or under this ordinance .

  3. Rutter儿童行为问卷调查:问卷评分分为3级,总分的最高分为62分,凡≥13分者有行为问题,分为违纪行为或称反社会行为和神经症行为。

    Rutter children 's behavior scale , it was scored by three grades , the highest total score was 62 . When total score beyond 13 , it meant the child had behavior problem , antisocial behavior or neurotic behavior .

  4. 从考场违纪行为谈考试形式改革

    Reforming the From of Examination form the Act of Violation on Examination

  5. 湖南地区中学生存在普遍的考试焦虑和学习适应不良问题,攻击行为、违纪行为和退缩行为相对要少;

    Relatively , they have less aggressive behavior , delinquent behavior and withdraw .

  6. 《国家司法考试违纪行为处理办法》解读

    Interpretation on the Punishments Dealing With Discipline Violating Conducts During National Judicial Examination

  7. 大中专学生违纪行为的心理分析及教育引导方法初探

    A Research on Psychological Analysis and Educational Means for Students ' Violating Principles

  8. 有重大违规、违纪行为的;

    Severe violation of regulation or discipline ;

  9. 有些违纪行为手段凶狠,超出了同学间的一般纠纷。

    Some activities against discipline means are fierce , go beyond the general dispute among classmates .

  10. 剽窍是严重的违纪行为。

    Plagiarism is a serious offense .

  11. 结果学龄儿童行为问题的检出率为15.46%,以违纪行为(A行为)为主。

    Results The prevalence rate of behavioral problems was 15.46 % , antisocial behavior was primary problem .

  12. 安全生产领域违法违纪行为政纪处分暂行规定

    Temporary Provisions on Administrative Disciplinary Punishment of the Activities Violating the Law and Discipline in Safe Production Area

  13. 我国首部环境违法违纪行为处分规定出台

    The first rule of environmental activities that against law and discipline of our country enacted in last month

  14. 被举报犯违纪行为的囚犯,须与其它囚犯分隔,以候判决。

    A prisoner who has been reported for an offence shall be kept apart from other prisoners pending adjudication .

  15. 随机分班与考试牌的应用可有效防范考试中的作弊和违纪行为。

    The application of randomized class grouping and examinatorial permit cards can effectively prevent cheating and frauds in an examination .

  16. 近几年来,证券监管部门加大了对上市公司违规违纪行为的查处和打击的力度,上市公司的各种劣行不断被揭露。

    Currently , security supervising department enforces investigation and penalty on violation actions and various misbehaviors of listed company were exposed .

  17. (美)由于严重违纪行为(破坏、间谍活动、怯懦、谋杀)退离部队。

    A discharge from the US Army for a grave offense ( as sabotage or espionage or cowardice or murder ) .

  18. 公民对警察的违法违纪行为有权向有关部门检举、控告。

    Citizens have the right to report to the Department concerned and bring a charge against police who have acted against the law and discipline .

  19. 监察机关对控告、检举重大违法违纪行为的有功人员可以给予奖励。

    A supervisory organ may reward persons who have rendered meritorious services in charging or informing against serious violations of laws or rules of administrative discipline .

  20. 监考人、总监考人对违纪行为的处理,应当接受司法行政机关的监督。

    The treatment as given by an invigilator or the chief invigilator for any disciplinary breach shall be subject to the supervision of the administrative judicial organ .

  21. 国家工商行政管理局周三时要求当地管理部门建立档案,记录食品行业中的证书及商业违纪行为。

    The State Administration for Industry and Commerce on Wednesday asked local administrators to establish files to record the credentials and the violations of businesses in the food industry .

  22. 适应新形势下的高校管理,最大限度地减少学生违纪行为,是高校学生工作的重点。

    As for the college student management in the new age , the key work is to reduce the possibilities of the students ' breaking the rules and regulations .

  23. 另一个比较难理解的现象或许可以解释为什么一个西方人可以在中国遵纪守法而中国人却对一些小违纪行为置之不理。

    There is also a second , less-well understood phenomenon , that might suggest why a Westerner would enforce a rule or law in China whereas Chinese would ignore petty violations .

  24. 监考人、总监考人依据司法行政机关的委托和本办法的规定对违纪行为进行处理。

    An invigilator or the chief invigilator shall , according to the entrustment of the administrative judicial organ and the provisions of the present Measures , give treatment to any disciplinary breach .

  25. 严肃查处金融机构各种违规违纪行为,依法严惩金融犯罪活动。检举违法犯罪活动;

    We must deal severely with actions of financial institutions in violation of regulations or codes of conduct and relentlessly punish financial criminal activities in accordance with the law . to report criminal offenses ;

  26. 监察主体依法对监察对象执行法律、法规、政策和决定、命令的情况以及违法违纪行为实施监督检查。4、监察宗旨。

    Monitoring of the main targets of supervision by law enforcement of laws , regulations , policies and decisions , orders by the law and discipline and supervision and inspection . 4 , monitoring purposes .

  27. 任何成员犯附表1指明的违纪行为,可处革职,或按本条例和根据本条例订立的规例以其它方式处理。

    Any member who commits any of the offences against discipline specified in the first schedule shall be liable to be dismissed or otherwise dealt with as provided in this Ordinance and in regulations made thereunder .

  28. 经理们通常不会把违纪行为到处宣传,并且在大多数情况下,当某人要被辞退的时候,在他被辞掉之前你是不会知道的。

    Managers don 't generally broadcast their disciplinary actions to others , and in most cases , when someone is in the process of being fired , you won 't know about it until it happens .

  29. 从国家方面来看,主要是两点举措:第一,大力发展债券市场,满足企业日益增长的对于长期资金的需求,同时要不断完善制度,杜绝违法违纪行为的发生。

    In the view of national legislation , it has got two parts . First , develop bond market , to meet the need for the long-term capital . Complete the regulations and reduce illegal behavior .

  30. 行政处分与行政处罚一样,是行政法律责任的实现方式,它与因单纯的违纪行为所导致的纪律处分有本质的区别。

    Administrative sanction , as well as administrative punishment , is a way to carry out the administrative legal responsibility , and it has a essential difference from the disciplinary sanction born of the illegal action .