
wéi yuē zé rèn
  • liability for breach of contract
  1. 论非财产损害赔偿在违约责任中的适用

    On Non-property Damage Compensation in Liability for Breach of Contract

  2. 婚姻中介欺诈违约责任之精神损害赔偿

    On the Mental Compensation of Marriage Agency 's Liability for Breach of Contract

  3. 论行政合同违约责任与司法救济

    On the Liability for Breach of Administrative Contract and Judicial Relief

  4. 监理人承担违约责任。

    The Supervisor shall assume the responsibility for breach of contract .

  5. 第二部分论述了承运人的违约责任。

    Part two deals with carrier 's liability for breaching contract .

  6. 论合同解除的溯及力及违约责任

    On Recalling Validity and Liability of Breach of Discharge of Contract

  7. 论土地承包合同中的违约责任

    On the liabilities for breach of contract in the land contract

  8. 第四部分讨论了物业服务合同的违约责任。

    The fourth part is liability for breach of the contract .

  9. 论《合同法》中的违约责任制度

    On the Liability System for Breach of Contracts in Contracts Law

  10. 旅游合同违约责任制度研究

    A Study on the System of Liability of Breaking a Tourism Contract

  11. 论证后合同违约责任具体形式。

    This article demonstrated the concrete form of the breach of after-contract .

  12. 现代劳动法中雇员违约责任的弱化

    Weakening of employees ' liability in modern labor law system

  13. 在违约责任中适用惩罚性赔偿的探讨

    Research on the Application of Punitive Damages in Liability for Contract Breach

  14. 违约责任和争议处理;

    Liability arising from breach of contract and the settlement of disputes ;

  15. 基于经济学视角的合同的违约责任分析

    The Analysis about Contract Breach based on the Economic Perspective

  16. 追究预售方的责任预购方多主张违约责任。

    Be held responsible for pre-sale Pre-party multi-party breach of contract claim .

  17. 建设工程合同中承担违约责任的方式分析

    Analysis on the Forms of Undertaking Liabilities for Breach of Construction Contract

  18. 浅探违约责任归责原则与相关问题

    On the Attribution of Contractual Liability & Related Issues

  19. 而在所有之违约责任中,损害赔偿责任显然是最为重要的责任形式。

    Of all the contract breach obligations damages is the most important one .

  20. 第四部分是关于医方违约责任的探讨。

    Part 4 is about compensation of the doctors ' breach of contract .

  21. 论违约责任的性质及归责原则

    One the Nature of the Responsibility of Breach and the Principle of Imputation

  22. 最后将连带责任的内容明确为连带承担违约责任。

    And lastly , we should figure out the content of joint liability .

  23. 物业管理权的法律基础是物业管理服务合同,物业管理服务合同的民事责任属违约责任。

    Its legal foundation is the property management contract .

  24. 论环境资源行政合同违约责任

    On legal liability for breaking an administrative contract of managing environment and natural resources

  25. 违约责任中损害赔偿限制规则之新探&兼从我国台湾地区民法考

    Probes into Limiting Damage Compensation in Breach Liability

  26. 公司应替海南分公司承担违约责任。

    Company A should assume the default responsibility on behalf of the Hainan Branch .

  27. 论劳动合同的解除及其违约责任

    In terms of the termination and dissolution of the contract and its breaching responsibilities

  28. 违约责任归责原则中的经济与道德分析

    An Analysis of the Economic and Moral Implications of Doctrine of Liability of Fixation

  29. 论加害给付下的违约责任与侵权责任的承担

    Liability for Breach of Contract and Liability for Infringement of Rights under Injuring Performance

  30. 本章从民法上的正当性以及违约责任和侵权责任竞合制度的缺陷两方面正面论述了违约与非财产损害赔偿共存的理论依据。

    Chapter 2 , the legal theory breach of obligation and non-property compensation can co-exist .