
  • 网络statutory priority;legal priority
  1. 优先权竞合的情况包括:法定优先权之间的竞合、约定优先权之间的竞合、法定优先权与约定优先权之间的竞合。

    The validity conflict of priority right occurs in the following cases : between legal priority rights , between promissory priority rights and between legal priority right and promissory priority right .

  2. 优先权可分为法定优先权和约定优先权,前者包括先取特权和留置权,后者包括质权和抵押权。

    The former includes preferential privilege and lien , and the latter includes mortgage right and pledge right .

  3. 法定优先购买权研究

    A study on statutory pre-emptive right

  4. 由此提出别除权的基础权利是担保物权和法定特别优先权。

    The definition puts exemption right on the basis of both security interests and other statutory special priority .

  5. 分析不动产法定优先购买权的取得条件必须存在法定的基础法律关系。

    First , it states condition of achieving legal pre-emptive right of real estate should have lawful basic legal relation .

  6. 约定优先购买权的转让依双方约定,法定优先购买权一般不得转让、继承。

    Promissory prior call can be transferred acting on the contrast while legal prior call cannot be transferred and inherited in general .

  7. 我国民商法中规定了若干种法定优先购买权,同时又在《拍卖法》中规定了价高者得规则。

    China 's Civil and Commercial Law provides for a number of statutory preemptive rights , and the auction law provides for the rules of the highest bidders at the same time .

  8. 约定优先购买权仅有债权效力,法定优先购买权具有物权性质的效力,但应受到第三人善意取得制度、不动产物权登记效力的限制,以保护善意第三人的利益。

    Promissory prior call has only obligatory right effect while legal prior call has the validity of real right , which also be limited by the third person acquiring system and estate real right registration validity in order to protect the equity of the third person in good will .

  9. 为切实维护债权人的合法权益,降低交易成本,贷款人对其贷款形成的资产应当自然拥有法定优先受偿权,而不需要办理抵押登记手续;

    Firstly , the assets that are formed based on a loan should be mortgaged directly to the creditor and the mortgage contract and registration are not needed so as to ensure the creditor 's rights and lower the costs for the dealing .

  10. 对建设工程价款优先受偿权的法律性质理论界主要有三种观点,它们分别是留置权说、法定抵押权说和优先权说。

    There are at present mainly 3 kinds of viewpoint to the legal character of the preference receiving rights of the payment on the price of construction projects . They are the theory of lien , the theory of legal mortgage and the theory of legal priority .