
zhòng cái fǎ
  • arbitration law
仲裁法[zhòng cái fǎ]
  1. 国际化视角下的中国仲裁法之分析

    Analysis of China 's Arbitration Law from the Perspective of Internationalization

  2. 并且,仲裁法没有规定医疗纠纷不可仲裁。

    And the current arbitration law does not exclude medical dispute .

  3. 我国已经加入世贸组织,许多法律法规需要修改完善,《仲裁法》及仲裁规则也不例外,在全球化的背景下也要与WTO规则接轨。

    China has entered WTO and some laws including the Arbitration Law of the PRC needs to be amended and improved .

  4. 立法方面,为保障ADR的合法发展,应适当修改《民事诉讼法》中关于调解的章节以及《仲裁法》中有关仲裁范围等方面的规定。

    On legislation , it is appropriate to modify the " mediation " section of " Civil Procedure Law " and the arbitration scope of " Arbitration Law " .

  5. (美国)统一仲裁法国际私法统一协会国际私法统一学会

    Uniform Arbitration Act International Institute for the Unification of Private Law

  6. 仲裁法的电子商务是一个免费的购物车服务。

    Mal 's e-commerce is a FREE Shopping Cart Service .

  7. 我国《仲裁法》总则修改若干问题的探讨

    Several Problems in Modification of General Provisions in Arbitration Law of China

  8. 美国统一仲裁法修订评析

    A Review of the Amendments to American Uniform Arbitration Law

  9. 目前,我国也在加紧仲裁法的修改。

    China is preparing for the amendment of arbitration law .

  10. 我国仲裁法尚未达到立法者预期的目的。

    The Arbitration Law of China does not achieve the desired purpose .

  11. 《劳动争议调解仲裁法》的制度建构缺陷分析

    Analysis on System Structure Defects of Labor Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Law

  12. 论《仲裁法》与仲裁协议的可执行性

    On the Arbitration Law and the Enforceability of Arbitration Agreement

  13. 浅谈加碘盐碘含量测定方法中仲裁法的确定

    Brief Discussion on Determination of Arbitration in Iodine-Content Testing Method for Iodized Salt

  14. 现代商人法理论的提出及其对国际仲裁法的影响

    The Theory about Modern Lex Mercatoria and Its Influence upon International Arbitration Law

  15. 论《劳动争议调解仲裁法》构建的裁审体制及与劳动监察的关系

    On the Relation between the Arbitration System and Court Trail System and Labor Inspection

  16. 在《仲裁法》中列入法律适用条款等。

    Setting forth rules of application of law .

  17. 国内投标人按中国仲裁法进行仲裁。

    Domestic bidders-arbitration is conducted under Chinese rules .

  18. 劳动争议案件程序之缺陷及制度重构&兼评《劳动争议调解仲裁法》

    The Defects in The Procedure of Labor Dispute Cases and Restructuring The System ;

  19. 关于修改《仲裁法》的几个基本问题

    Several Basic Problems in Modification of Arbitration Law

  20. 规定统一仲裁法的欧洲公约

    European Convention Providing a Uniform Law on Arbitration

  21. 仲裁法规定了撤销裁决和不予执行裁决两种司法监督方式。

    The arbitration law offers two judicial supervision approach including cancellation arbitration and implement denied .

  22. 《中华人民共和国仲裁法》修改暨中国仲裁协会章程起草研究工作座谈会综述

    Summary of Conference of Modification of Arbitration Law and Drafting Articles of China Arbitration Commission

  23. 三是仲裁法在制度设计上存在缺陷;

    Third , there are some shortcomings of arbitration law in the design of its system ;

  24. 已经发展成为仲裁法的基本原则的仲裁条款自治理论一直存有逻辑缺陷,没有令人信服的法律依据。

    The basic principles of sanction law are deficient in logic and have no convincing evidences .

  25. 今年是《中华人民共和国仲裁法》颁布实施十周年,仲裁作为新生事物在我国获得了长足发展,解决纠纷的地位得到肯定。

    It has been 10 years that the Arbitration Law of China was promulgated and adopted .

  26. 我国应当借鉴国际上的先进做法,通过对《仲裁法》的修改,建立适度的司法审查制度。

    China should get foreign experiences , amend our Arbitration Act and build a moderate judicial review system .

  27. 为确保《仲裁法》修改取得良好效果,本文对《仲裁法》修改中应予注意的六个基本问题进行了论述。

    This paper addresses six basic problems in modification of arbitration law for a better new arbitration law .

  28. 仲裁法与国标法对川盐中碘含量的测定结果分析

    Analysis on Detection of Iodine Content in Salt Produced in Sichuan by Arbitration Method and National Standard Method

  29. 随着《仲裁法》的实施,仲裁方式成为解决环境污染纠纷的新途径。

    An enforcement of the " Arbitration Act ", arbitration becomes a new route for resolving environmental pollution dispute .

  30. 本文第一章对我国仲裁法下国内、涉外裁决的司法审查进行介绍,并回顾学者有关程序监督论和全面监督论的争议。

    Chapter ⅰ of this thesis introduces judicial review on domestic and foreign-related arbitral awards under Chinese arbitration laws .