
zhòng cái yuán
  • arbitrator;referee
仲裁员[zhòng cái yuán]
  1. 由于ICSID的仲裁员大多对发达国家有所偏好,使得其自由裁量权的过分泛滥对发展中国家不利。

    Because of the arbitrator inclination to developed countries of the most arbitrators of ICSID , the overrun discretion seems to be an extremely disadvantage to the developing countries .

  2. 简单劳动争议案件可以由一名仲裁员独任仲裁。

    Simple labor-dispute cases may be arbitrated solely by one arbitrator .

  3. 关于《2002年伦敦海事仲裁员协会规则》的评论

    Comment on the Rules of London Maritime Arbitrators ' Association , 2002

  4. 纽约国际海事仲裁员大会述评

    Comment on the 14th International Congress of Maritime Arbitrators in New York

  5. 本案将由公正仲裁员审核。

    This case will is hold by an impartial arbitrator .

  6. 我们希望由双方共同指定仲裁员。

    We prefer that the arbitrator shall be nominated by both parties .

  7. 仲裁员是这些规则的唯一仲裁人。

    The referee is the sole judge of the rules .

  8. 仲裁员是解决双方当事人争议的持中立态度的人。

    An Arbitrator is a neutral person who resolves disputes between parties .

  9. 仲裁员或仲裁庭应当应用本公约的各项规则。

    The arbitrator or arbitration tribunal shall apply the rules of this Convention .

  10. 第三名仲裁员是首席仲裁员。

    The third arbitrator shall be the presiding arbitrator .

  11. 仲裁员的民事赔偿责任之比较研究

    Comparative study on the civil compensation liability of arbitrator

  12. 心目中的英雄仲裁员的责任要论

    PERSONAL HERO On the liability of the arbitrator

  13. 缔约各方应承担其委任仲裁员的费用。

    Each Contracting Party shall bear the cost of the arbitrator appointed by it .

  14. 你方有权对任何仲裁员表示异议。

    You are entitled to challenge any arbitrators .

  15. 仲裁员应当符合下列条件之一

    Arbitrators must fulfil one of the following conditions

  16. 仲裁员签发了有关合同条款含义的最后裁决。

    The arbitrator issued a final decision regarding the meaning of the contractual terms .

  17. 独立专家应作为专家而不是仲裁员进行行事。

    The Independent Expert shall act as an expert , not as an arbitrator .

  18. 裁决书由仲裁员签名,加盖仲裁委员会印章。

    The award shall be signed by the arbitrators and sealed by the arbitration commission .

  19. 由三名仲裁员组成的,设首席仲裁员。

    If an arbitration tribunal comprises three arbitrators , a presiding arbitrator shall be appointed .

  20. 违反规定会见法官、检察官、仲裁员;

    To meet with a judge , prosecutor , or arbitrator in violation of regulations ;

  21. 仲裁员制度的现状与改进

    Status Qua and Improvement of Arbitrator System

  22. 有聘任的仲裁员。

    And4.it must have arbitrators for appointment .

  23. 仲裁员的独立性和公正性是仲裁制度得以生存和发展的重要保证。

    The independence and impartiality of arbitrators is the important basis of the arbitration system .

  24. 其中一个原因,瑞士享誉盛名的中立造就了日内瓦成为一名冷静的仲裁员。

    One reason , Switzerland 's famed neutrality allows Geneva to be a dispassionate arbitrator .

  25. 由这样指定的三位仲裁员组成仲裁庭来审理案件。

    The three arbitrators so appointed will from an arbitration tribunal to hear the case .

  26. 关于仲裁员责任制度的思考

    Research on the Liability of Arbitrator

  27. 仲裁员还认为,雇员的辩解是令人难以置信和荒谬的。

    DP Sams also found the employee 's argument to be " implausible and ridiculous " .

  28. 仲裁员的责任要论

    On the liability of the arbitrator

  29. 可见,仲裁员素质是仲裁裁决的决定性因素,关系到仲裁制度的生命。

    Currently , most countries exercise the system under which the arbitral award should be final .

  30. 该中心设有国际和本地仲裁员专门小组,并备有特派调停人名单。

    It operates panels of international and local arbitrators , and maintains lists of accredited mediators .