
zhònɡ cái wěi yuán huì
  • arbitration committee;board of arbitration;appeal committee;board of referees
  1. 第三条仲裁委员会会址设在深圳市。

    The Arbitration Committee shall be located in Shenzhen City .

  2. 扩大仲裁委员会的自治性权力;

    Arbitration committee 's autonomous authority must be expanded ;

  3. 如果俱乐部之间无法达成协议,将由一个独立的仲裁委员会来裁定。

    If the clubs cannot conclude a deal , an independent tribunal will decide .

  4. 比如中国国际贸易促进会对外经济仲裁委员会就是这样的机构。

    For example , foreign Trade Arbitration Commission is such a kind of institution .

  5. 迄今为止,所有此类委员会都是中国内地机构,例如中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(chinainternationaleconomicandtradearbitrationcommission)。

    To date all of these have been mainland Chinese bodies , such as China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission .

  6. CIETAC代表中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会。

    CIETAC stands for China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission .

  7. 《劳氏救助标准合同格式》(LOF)和《中国海事仲裁委员会救助合同标准格式》(“北京格式”)是目前中国使用较多的救助合同格式。

    Salvage contracts on Lloyd 's Open Form ( LOF ) and China Maritime Arbitration Commission Standard Form (" Beijing Form ") are the most frequently used forms of salvage contracts in China .

  8. 据涉案律师表示,2011年上海仲裁委员会作出了有利于一家网游公司创始人的裁定,从而使这位创始人成功地解除了其VIE和美国上市公司之间的关系。

    In 2011 , the founder of an online computer games company successfully dissolved the relationship between the VIE and the U.S. listed company after a Shanghai arbitration panel found in his favor , according to lawyers involve in the dispute .

  9. 时隔50年,2004年5月16日-18日第17届国际商事仲裁委员会(ICCA)国际仲裁大会将在北京召开。

    Fifty years later , CIETAC will host the 17th ICCA conference in Beijing from May 16th to 18th , 2004 . CIETAC is famous for its independence , justness , smartness and efficiency .

  10. 劳动争议仲裁委员会应当将其解聘。

    A labor dispute arbitration commission shall dismiss such an arbitrator .

  11. 劳动争议仲裁委员会无管辖权的;

    The labor-dispute arbitration commission has no jurisdiction over the dispute ;

  12. 奖项的确立由独立的国际仲裁委员会决定。

    The finalists were selected by an independent high-profile international jury .

  13. (三)选定的仲裁委员会。

    And 3 . the Arbitration Commission selected by the parties .

  14. 仲裁委员会分会可以受理并处理案件。

    The Sub-Commission can take cognizance of and handle cases .

  15. 第八条仲裁委员会设名誉主任一人、顾问若干人。

    Article 8 The Arbitration Commission has one honorary Chairman and several advisers .

  16. 解决不成的,可向当地劳动争议仲裁委员会申诉。

    Do not solve , can arbitrate to local labor dispute committee appeal .

  17. 光辉和约翰先生把这个案子提交给伦敦仲裁委员会。

    Brilliant and Sir John submitted the case to the London Arbitration Commission .

  18. 当事人未作约定的,适用《中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁规则》。

    Failing such agreement , the Arbitration Rules of the CIETAC shall apply .

  19. 按中国海事仲裁委员会仲裁规则进行。

    Rules of Arbitration for China Maritime Arbitration Commission .

  20. 属于仲裁委员会的受理范围。

    The application is within the scope of the arbitration commission 's acceptability .

  21. 劳动争议仲裁委员会下设办事机构,负责办理劳动争议仲裁委员会的日常工作。

    Labor-dispute arbitration commissions shall set up offices for handling their day-to-day work .

  22. 仲裁委员会设在北京。

    The Arbitration Commission is located in Beijing .

  23. 仲裁委员会按照不同专业设仲裁员名册。

    The arbitration commission shall establish a list of arbitrators according to different professionals .

  24. 外籍人士可以被聘任为涉外仲裁委员会仲裁员。

    Yes , foreigners may be appointed as arbitrators of a foreign arbitration commission .

  25. 中国国际贸易促进会仲裁委员会在友好公司中享有很高的声誉。

    The Arbitration Commission of the CCPIT enjoys a high prestige among friendly companies .

  26. 劳动争议仲裁委员会组成人员应当是单数。

    The composition of the labor dispute arbitration commissions shall be an odd number .

  27. 关于广州仲裁委员会近十年被撤销案件的思考

    Thoughts on the Set-aside Arbitral Awards of Guangzhou Arbitration Commission in the Last Decade

  28. 斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁委员会

    Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce

  29. 他建议李文迪向劳动仲裁委员会寻求帮助。

    He suggested that Li turn to a labor dispute arbitration committee for help .

  30. 第六条仲裁委员会应当由当事人协议选定。

    Article 6 An arbitration commission shall be selected by the parties by agreement .