
  1. 据泽普鲁德家族与司法部(JusticeDepartment)在仲裁期间提交的法律文件显示,该家族通过授权复制该影像每年可获得约2万美元。

    The Zapruders had been making about $ 20000 a year by granting the right to reproduce the images , according to legal documents filed during arbitration between the Zapruders and the Justice Department .

  2. 诉讼或者仲裁期间,清算委员会不得对有争议的财产进行分配。

    During the judicial proceedings or arbitrations , the liquidation committees must not distribute the disputed properties .

  3. 仲裁期间,除仲裁部分以外的合同条款应继续执行。

    During the course of the arbitration , the contract shall be performed except for the part under arbitration .

  4. 仲裁期间,双方应继续履行合同中除需仲裁之外的所有义务。

    In the course of arbitration both parties shall continue execution of all contract obligations except those under arbitration .

  5. 在仲裁期间,除正在仲裁的部分外,双方应继续执行合同的其余部分。

    In the course of arbitration , this Contract shall be continuously executed by both parties except the part of this contract which is under arbitration .

  6. 仲裁期间,除双方存在争议并正在进行仲裁的部分外,本合同的其它部分仍应继续履行。

    During the arbitration and dispute between , except the part which is under arbitration , the contract shall continue to perform the other part is still .

  7. 在本阶段,申请仲裁时效期间的法定名称,劳动行政部门称之为申请仲裁时效,法院称之为申请仲裁期间,为期60日R,自劳动争议发生之日开始计算。

    At this stage , the statutory limitation period for arbitration name for the labor administrative authorities call " time for arbitration ," the court called " for arbitration period " for a period of 60 days , from the " date of occurrence of labor dispute . " counted .

  8. 本文意在探讨申请仲裁时效期间制度的演变历程。

    This paper is intended to apply for arbitration of the evolution of the system during the course of time .

  9. 劳动争议仲裁处于试行办理阶段,尚无关于申请仲裁时效期间的法律规定。

    Arbitration of labor disputes in a " trial for " stage , there is no limitation period on the application of arbitration law .