
  • 网络Quorum Resource
  1. 未能查找已有的仲裁资源时加载字符串。

    Failed the load string for locating existing quorum resource .

  2. 仲裁资源不含仲裁日志。

    The quorum resource does not contain the quorum log .

  3. 该群集仲裁资源不允许有任何依存关系。

    The cluster quorum resource is not allowed to have any dependencies .

  4. 正在检查所有节点是否可以访问仲裁资源

    Checking that all nodes have access to the quorum resource

  5. 无法验证下列节点是否可以主持此仲裁资源

    The following nodes cannot not verify that they can host the quorum resource

  6. 决定此资源是否是本地仲裁资源时发生错误。

    Error occured trying to determine if the resource was the local quorum resource .

  7. 向导未能收集合格的仲裁资源。

    The wizard failed to gather quorum-eligible resources .

  8. 没有找到共享仲裁资源。将建立一个本地仲裁群集。

    No sharable quorum resource found . This will form a local quorum cluster .

  9. 提交仲裁资源的更改失败。

    Failed to commit changes to quorum resources .

  10. 丢失公用仲裁资源。无法创建多节点群集。

    Missing a common quorum resource . A multi-node cluster can not be created .

  11. 找到可以用作仲裁资源的资源,该资源由所有节点公用。

    Found a resource common to all nodes that can be used as a quorum resource .

  12. 正在删除本地仲裁资源。

    Deleting the local quorum resource .

  13. 找不到共享的仲裁资源并将创建本地仲裁群集。

    Could not locate a sharable quorum resource and a local quorum cluster will be created .

  14. 一种公用资源是仲裁资源,它在群集操作中扮演重要角色。

    One common resource is the quorum resource , which plays a critical role in cluster operations .

  15. 来自多数节点集仲裁资源的专用属性无法从群集检索。

    The private properties from the Majority Node Set quorum resource could not be retrieved from the cluster .

  16. 群集节点未能控制仲裁资源,因为它被另一个活动节点拥有。

    The cluster node failed to take control of the quorum resource because the resource is owned by another active node .

  17. 由于不属于共享存储类别,群集不能使指定资源成为仲裁资源。

    The cluster could not make the specified resource a quorum resource because it does not belong to a shared storage class .

  18. 如果选择了包含群集仲裁资源的组,则会显示一条警告,建议您不要安装到群集仲裁资源。

    If you select the group containing the cluster quorum resource , a warning is displayed recommending you do not install to the cluster quorum resource .

  19. 需要多数节点集仲裁资源的专用属性来正确配置群集。请确保多数节点集仲裁资源正确配置。

    The Majority Node Set quorum resource private properties are needed to properly configure the cluster . Ensure that the Majority Node Set resource is properly configured .

  20. 该操作不能在群集资源上作为仲裁资源执行。您不能将仲裁资源脱机或修改它的所有者名单。

    This operation cannot be performed on the cluster resource as it the quorum resource . You may not bring the quorum resource offline or modify its possible owners list .

  21. 试图获取仲裁可用资源列表时发生错误。

    An error occurred attempting to get the list of quorum capable resources .

  22. 请确保您的硬件正确配置并且所有节点可以访问仲裁可用资源。

    Ensure that your hardware is properly configured and that all nodes have access to a quorum-capable resource .

  23. 有关如何备份仲裁磁盘资源的信息,请参阅本章后面的“备份仲裁磁盘资源”。

    For information about how to back up the quorum disk resource , see " backing up the quorum disk resource " later in this chapter .

  24. 资源管理构件中的资源映射引擎为资源请求匹配合适的资源,资源仲裁引擎保证资源能够被合理地使用。

    The mapping engine in resource management component can match the optimized resource for agent 's request and arbitration engine can ensure its reasonable use .

  25. 环境资源纠纷有一系列解决方式,其中,仲裁是解决环境资源纠纷的重要方式。

    There are a series of settlements of resolving the environmental resource disputes , among them , the arbitration is one of the important ways , which includes the characteristics of independency , quickness , efficiency , specialization and the secrecy .

  26. 若要形成群集,节点必须发起仲裁并获得仲裁磁盘资源的所有权。

    To form a cluster , a node must arbitrate for and gain ownership of the quorum disk resource .