
  • 网络Section 301
  1. 将301条款与WTO多边争端解决机制进行比较分析,并分析了WTO争端中301条款的案例;

    Compares " Section 301 " and WTO multilateral dispute settlement mechanism as well analyses WTO " Section 301 ";

  2. 美国301条款与trips协议法律问题研究

    A Study on Section 301 and TRIPS

  3. 试析特别301条款制度&兼论其与TRIPs协定的关系

    The Legal Study on the Relation between Special 301 and TRIPs

  4. 因美国连年利用特别301条款对我国知识产权执法保护审查之作用,我国知识产权保护的某些方面已经呈现高于WTO体制下的TRIPS协议最低标准之势。

    The standards of Chinese copyright protection in some respects is higher than the lowest stan - dards of TRIPS agreement of WTO , partly due to the examination by US 301 Special terms .

  5. 美国和欧共体以301条款和TBR为标志的贸易壁垒调查立法已经相对完善,在贸易壁垒调查实践方面也积累了丰富的经验。

    Both the US and the EC are enjoying relatively perfect trade barrier investigation legislation symbolized by Section 301 and TBR in addition to accumulating a wealth of experience in trade barrier investigation practice .

  6. 本部分中,笔者仍然将颇具代表性的美国301条款、欧盟TBR与我国的《规则》相比较,详细分析了各国的具体立法状况。

    All these countries have different provisions . In this section , the author also studies on the related rules of America 、 EU and China and analyses the concrete legislative conditions of these countries .

  7. 美国特殊301条款及其应对之策的思考

    Thinking about US " Special 301 " and Its Countermeasures

  8. 美国贸易法的301条款原产国统计标准是中美贸易统计数字差异的根本原因&中美经香港转口贸易实证分析

    CHINA VS BASIC 301 Fundamental Cause of Difference Between China and US Trade Statistics

  9. 美国贸易法301条款

    The 301 Clause of American Trade Law

  10. 从中美知识产权争端看特别301条款的实质

    On the nature of the " Super 301 " in the light of Sino-U.S. IPR disputes

  11. 并依据美国贸易代表原始报告说明301条款的不断发展及针对我国的最新动态;

    Then based on original reports of USTR , demonstrates the continuous development of " Section 301 ";

  12. 美国主要动用特别301条款和337条款对中国发起调查,并实施贸易报复。

    The US mainly uses Special 301 clause and Section 337 clause to investigate and implement the trade retaliation .

  13. 美国闻名于世的利器特别301条款则是执行边境措施的重要依据。

    In the United States , " Special 301 " is an important basis for the implementation of border measures .

  14. 并对三个301条款以及301条款与美国贸易法其它重要制度进行比较分析;

    Compares the three different " Section 301 ", " Section 301 " and other important systems of US trade law ;

  15. 与我国企业已经熟悉的特别301条款调查和反倾销措施相比较,337调查有许多独特的法律特点。

    Compared with the especially 301 provisions investigations and the anti-dumping measure which has been widely known by our country enterprises , 337 investigations has many unique legal characteristics .

  16. 301条款是美国在1974年颁布的贸易法中的一项非常重要的条款,主要应用于处理外国对美国出口服务和货物上。

    " 301 provisions " are one part of American trade law , which promulgated in 1974 . The treaty is mainly used into the field of service and cargo .

  17. 尽管发展中国家也努力要建立一个反对联盟,美国却不断利用其特别301条款教训那些不听话的国家,并试图分化发展中国家。

    Although developing countries tried to create a coalition of the unwilling , the United States used its new Section 301 to discipline recalcitrant nations and to split the alliance .

  18. 美国贸易法301条款体系是美国对外贸易法律的一个重要组成部分,中国也深受其苦。

    The system of " Section 301 " of United States Trade Law is a key part of United States foreign trade laws , and China is one of its victims .

  19. 最后,如同特别301条款实践所证明的,贸易报复措施可以将有关知识产权立法强加给发展中国家,却不能使这些法律在发展中国家得到有效实施。

    Finally , as the practice of the Special 301 proved , the commercial retaliation can help impose certain intellectual property laws on developing countries but can not ensure their implementation therein .

  20. 特别301条款是用于保障美国的知识产权在外国得到有效保护,保障依赖于知识产权保护的美国人公平和平等地进入外国市场的。

    " Special 301 " term is used to guarantee the effective protection of American intellectual property rights ( Hereinafter called " IPRs ") and Americans ' fair and equal access to the foreign market , who depend largely on IPRs .

  21. 其中美国国际知识产权联盟是美国重要的、具有代表性的知识产权利益集团之一,这一利益集团对美国特别301条款的制定和实施过程起着举足轻重的影响作用。

    The U.S. International Intellectual Property Alliance is a representative one of the intellectual property interest groups and is important to the United States , which plays a decisive impact on the formulation and implementation of the U.S. " Special 301 " .

  22. 在‘特别301’条款年度审查报告中,美国的贸易代表曾多次指出,中国的国内市场仿冒和盗版问题十分严重,给美国企业、个人带来巨额经济损失。

    In the " Annual survey report of ' special 301 ' term ", American trade representative has pointed out many times that , piracy is becoming increasingly severe in China 's domestic market , which incurs the enormous loss of American enterprises and individuals .