
  1. 专利服务链是国家和区域知识产权体系中不可缺少的环节。

    Patent service chain is of significant importance and necessity to the state and regional intellectual property systems .

  2. 其中,区域知识产权服务体系作为区域创新体系的重要支撑系统之一,建立与完善东北老工业基地的技术创新具有重要的现实意义。

    It has a realistic significance to set up and perfect the technological innovation in the Old Northeast Industrial Baes , as the service system of regional intellectual property is the important part of regional innovative system .

  3. 区、县人民政府负责本行政区域内展会知识产权保护工作的领导和协调。

    The people 's governments of districts and counties shall take charge of the IPRs protection during exhibitions within their respective administrative area .