
  • 网络third party of arbitration
  1. 对于仲裁第三人问题,各国所持态度不一,我国学界也是如此。

    The attitudes that countries put on third party of arbitration are different , so does China .

  2. 关于我国体育仲裁第三人问题的研究

    Research on the Third Party Problems in Chinese Sports Arbitration

  3. 国际商事仲裁第三人制度探析

    Research on Third Party System in International Arbitration

  4. 走出设立仲裁第三人制度的禁区&写在《仲裁法》颁布十周年之际

    Stepping Out of the Forbidden Zone of Setting Up Arbitration System of Third Person

  5. 第四章主要研究了国际商事仲裁第三人制度的构建。

    Chapter Four explores building the system of third party to international commercial arbitration .

  6. 论仲裁第三人

    Also On the Third Person in Arbitration

  7. 这些问题需要通过构建仲裁第三人制度才能给予解决。

    These issues can only be resolved by building mechanism of the third person arbitration .

  8. 国外一些经济发达的国家和地区也建立或承认了仲裁第三人制度。

    A number of economically developed countries and regions have also established or acknowledged third-party arbitration system .

  9. 最后,笔者对如何建立仲裁第三人制度进行了具体的构想。

    Finally , the author provides the specific ideas of how to establish the third party arbitration system .

  10. 是否引入仲裁第三人,以及如何建立这一制度,在学术界引起了热烈的探讨。

    Third party , whether and how to introduce arbitration , establish this system in academia aroused a heated discussion .

  11. 正是仲裁第三人制度的缺位,导致我国仲裁实践出现了困境。

    It is the absence of the arbitral third party system that results in difficulties arising in practice of arbitration .

  12. 在本文中,笔者阐述和评析了关于仲裁第三人制度的理论纷争与实践做法,在坚持认为应当建立仲裁第三人制度的基础上着重分析了建立该制度的必要性与可行性。

    On the basis of insisting that the third-party system should be established , it focuses on the analysis of necessity and feasibility of the system establishment .

  13. 在这一部分将对这些规定加以分析、评价,找出在我国设立仲裁第三人制度可借鉴之处。

    In this part of these provisions will be to analyze , evaluate , and find out such system established in China arbitration can be used for reference .

  14. 之所以有些人反对构建仲裁第三人制度,是因为他们认为该制度会使仲裁蒙上诉讼的色彩,丧失其特性。

    The reason for some people to oppose building such a mechanism is that they believe the mechanism would suit the color cast arbitration , and lose its characteristic .

  15. 仲裁第三人制度不被我国仲裁制度所认可,是否应该构建仲裁第三人制度理论界和实务界一直存在争议。

    Arbitration third party system is not being recognized by our system of arbitration , therefore whether we should establish the arbitration third party system is still a controversial among theory and practical realm .

  16. 主要表现在:(1)对仲裁第三人的界定有创新性,在前人的基础上扩大了对仲裁第三人的界定范围。

    Main features : ( 1 ) The definition of arbitral third party is innovative . In our research we expand the definition of the scope of third arbitral party on the basis of the previous scholars .

  17. 作者从探讨比较我国民事诉讼第三人制度的角度出发,对仲裁第三人的概念、范围等问题进行了分析,从各国和我国的立法实践中探讨确立仲裁第三人制度的可行性。

    The writer thinks that it is entirely possible to establish the system of the third party in arbitration law which is based on the research of the civil procedure law and arbitration law of China and other countries .

  18. 该版规则的最大变化之一即在于全面建立起仲裁第三人制度条文体系。

    One of the most obvious changes of the new edition is that it has completely established the provisions system of The Regulations of The Third Parties on Arbitration , which is referred to as the subject of this paper .

  19. 有不少学者对建立仲裁第三人制度持反对的意见,认为如在仲裁中引入第三人制度,就失去了仲裁本身的特色,甚至在一定程度上等同了诉讼。

    Many scholars hold counterviews against the establishment of an arbitration system for a third party . The characteristics of the arbitration will be lost and even to be equivalent to a lawsuit to some extent , if a third party system is introduced into the arbitration system .

  20. 对于必要性,认为建立仲裁第三人制度是公正处理多方当事人利益的要求、是避免同一案件出现仲裁或诉讼矛盾结果的要求、是仲裁制度自身完善以及经济法学基本理念的要求。

    For the necessity , the establishment of the third person arbitration system is the requirements of disposing multi-party interests justly , avoiding the contradictory results of arbitration and litigation in the same case , improving the arbitration system as well as the basic idea of economic law .

  21. 仲裁条款对第三人的效力

    The Effect of Arbitration Clauses on the Third Party

  22. 是否应在仲裁中设立第三人制度,理论界争议不断却一直没有定论。

    The theoretical discussion that whether the third party system should be established in arbitration has been continuing without any definite conclusion .

  23. 本文对仲裁条款对第三人效力在涉及实质本人、代理或受托转让、合并分立、继承以及关联方与关联协议时的情形作了简要的分析。

    The article would give a concise analysis on the effect of a arbitration clause on the third party when concering real principals , agent or trustee , assignee , consolidation , heritage and related parties or related agreements .

  24. 仲裁中应设立第三人制度

    The Need of Establishing a Third-party Participation Rule in Arbitration

  25. 论仲裁程序中的第三人

    The Third Party in Arbitration Procedure

  26. 结合我国国情及法治社会的需要,仲裁中应允许第三人的存在,但仲裁中引入第三人的规定应结合仲裁的特点及司法实践的需要来进行。

    On the basis of our national conditions and the needs of legal society , the third person in arbitration is allowable , but this should be regulated according to the features of arbitration and the needs of judicial practice .

  27. 从既有的仲裁理念和纠纷解决的制度架构来看,仲裁第三人所涉及的问题可以在既存状态下获得圆满解决,没有必要设立所谓的仲裁第三人制度。

    Presently , from the arbitral notion and dispute settlement mechanism ' view , the problems on third party have been settled completely . Consequently , it is unnecessary to set the third party system .

  28. 仲裁协议相对性的现实障碍,催生了学者们对仲裁第三人制度的设想。

    Therefore some scholars assume a system of ' the third party in arbitration ' for the relativity of arbitration agreement .

  29. 除了诉讼第三人制度,合并仲裁制度的存在也很容易使人产生困惑,让人怀疑构建仲裁第三人制度是否是多余和没必要的。

    In addition to the litigation system of third person , the consolidated arbitration system is also easy to make people confused . It makes a person suspect whether construction of the arbitration system of third party is redundant and not necessary .

  30. 仲裁和民事诉讼均是解决民事纠纷的重要机制,民事诉讼通过设立第三人制度解决复杂的法律关系所面临的问题,但是我国仲裁法一直对第三人制度持否对意见。

    Both arbitration and civil litigation are procedural laws to resolve civil disputes , while civil litigation solve the complex problems faced by legal relationships through the establishment of a third person mechanism , but the law of the arbitration has been held on whether the third person mechanism views .