
zhòng cái tíng
  • arbitral tribunal;arbitral court;arbitration court
仲裁庭[zhòng cái tíng]
  1. 文章通过阐述国际投资争端中心(ICSID)仲裁申请、仲裁庭的组成与仲裁员的委任、管辖权、准据法、仲裁裁决及其执行效力等基本内容,来对ICSID仲裁制度进行潜在价值分析。

    This paper analyses the potential value of ICSID arbitral system by elaborating the basic contents of ICSID , including its arbitral application , constituting of arbitral court and appointment of arbiter , jurisdiction , applicable law , the arbitrament and its effect of execution .

  2. 论ICSID仲裁庭对视为外国法人管辖权的扩张

    Jurisdiction Expansion of ICSID Arbitration Court Regarding as Foreign Body Corporate

  3. 双方须以良好诚信的态度遵守仲裁庭的决定。underthatpartofacontract(在其下,按规定条款)例句:

    The parties thereto shall , in good faith , comply with the decision and award of the arbitration5 tribunal .

  4. 可是,以“顽强生活”(LiveStrong)的口号著称的阿姆斯特朗先生并未在仲裁庭对抗指控,而是认为自己这边的筹码太少,难以赢得仲裁,于是选择退出他自己造就的这个耻辱领骑阵营。

    But instead of fighting the allegations in arbitration , Mr. " live strong " Armstrong decided that the chips were invariably stacked against him and chose to veer out of the peloton of shame he had created .

  5. 昨日,全球体育纠纷的最终审裁机构——国际体育仲裁庭(CourtofArbitrationforSport)驳回了针对上述禁赛令提起上诉的68名运动员以及俄罗斯奥委会的主张。

    Yesterday , the Court of Arbitration for Sport , the final judge in global sports disputes , dismissed the claims of 68 athletes and the Russian Olympic Committee , which had appealed the ban .

  6. 国际体育仲裁庭的这一裁决可能允许奥运会的管理机构——国际奥林匹克委员会(IOC)禁止整个俄罗斯队参加巴西奥运。

    The decision could free the International Olympic Committee , which governs the games , to ban the entire Russian team from the games in Brazil .

  7. PCA并不是个法院,而是一个通过设立仲裁庭来解决成员国间争端的组织。

    The PCA is not a court , but rather an organizer of arbitral tribunals to resolve conflicts between member states . It should not be confused with the International Court of Justice , a separate institution .

  8. 克里姆林宫发言人德米特里•巴斯科夫(DmitryPeskov)昨日对记者表示,俄罗斯对国际体育仲裁庭的裁决表示遗憾。

    Dmitry Peskov , a Kremlin spokesman , told journalists yesterday that Russia regretted the court 's decision .

  9. 伊朗‐美国求偿法庭的实践为间接征收理论的发展做出了重要贡献,几个比较有影响力的案件(如Tippetts,Starrett)也被其他仲裁庭广泛援引。

    The practice of Iran-the United States claims tribunal made important contributions , some influential cases ( such as Tippetts , Starrett case ) have been widely cited by other tribunals .

  10. 仲裁庭已宣布裁决,拒绝诉讼。

    The court have announce the award to disallow the claim .

  11. 国际商会仲裁庭调解与仲裁规则贸易法委员会国际商业仲裁示范法

    Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce

  12. 是否延期,由仲裁庭决定。

    The arbitration tribunal shall decide whether to postpone the hearing .

  13. 仲裁庭已判给你方损失赔偿费。

    You have be award your damages by the arbitration court .

  14. 仲裁庭组成人员中应有环境科学专家;

    The members of arbitration court should consist of environmental scientists .

  15. 论仲裁庭组成与仲裁之价值

    The Constitution of Arbitration Tribunal and the Value of Arbitration

  16. 仲裁庭已宣布同意撤销原判决。

    The court has announced the award to meet causation .

  17. 第三十二条仲裁庭应当开庭审理案件。

    Article 32 The arbitration tribunal will hold oral hearings .

  18. 仲裁庭认为被告应当对损失负责。

    The court holds the respondent responsible for the losses .

  19. 仲裁庭审查自身管辖权,既可以是主动的,也可以是被动的;

    The arbitral tribunal can examine its jurisdiction on own initiative or passively ;

  20. 第三十条仲裁庭可以由三名仲裁员或者一名仲裁员组成。

    Article 30 An arbitration tribunal may comprise three arbitrators or one arbitrator .

  21. 其二,建立消费仲裁庭。

    A second is , building consumption arbitration tribunal .

  22. 仲裁庭的裁定确立了一个先例。

    The tribunal 's ruling has established a precedent .

  23. 我们认为仲裁庭应由第三国的仲裁员组成。

    We think the arbitration court shall consist of arbitrator from a third country .

  24. 当事人自愿调解的,仲裁庭应当调解。

    If the parties apply for conciliation voluntarily , the arbitration tribunal shall conciliate .

  25. 论仲裁庭的权力

    A Study on the Power of Arbitration Tribunal

  26. 仲裁庭裁定不给予任何损害赔偿。

    The tribunal decided against awarding any damages .

  27. 第四十八条仲裁庭应当将开庭情况记入笔录。

    Article 48 An arbitration tribunal shall make a written record of the hearing .

  28. 论我国应确立仲裁庭管辖权自裁原则

    On Arbitration Panel 's Self-adjudicating Jurisdiction Principle

  29. 仲裁庭也可以自行决定已进行的仲裁程序是否重新进行。

    The arbitration tribunal shall determine whether the resumption of the procedure may be allowed .

  30. 第四十六条仲裁庭可以按照其认为适当的方式进行调解。

    Article 46 The arbitration tribunal may conciliate cases in the manner it considers appropriate .