
zhònɡ cái fèi yonɡ
  • Arbitration fee;costs of arbitration;expense in arbitration
  1. 仲裁费用由仲裁裁决规定的一方承担。

    The costs of arbitration shall be borne by the party as designated in the arbitration award .

  2. 根据合同,败诉方将承担仲裁费用。

    The losing party shall bear the cost for arbitration according to the contract .

  3. 仲裁费用将由原告(被告)负担。

    The expenses for arbitration shall be borne by the claimant ( respondent ) .

  4. 第七十六条当事人应当按照规定交纳仲裁费用。

    Article 76 The parties shall pay arbitration fees in accordance with the relevant provisions .

  5. 仲裁费用由仲裁庭决定具体承担。

    Arbitration fee shall be borne by the parties as the decision of the tribunal .

  6. 涉及仲裁费用,全部由乙方承担并预交。

    All arbitration fees will be borne by Party B and be paid in advance .

  7. 收取仲裁费用的办法,应当报物价管理部门核准。

    The methods for the collection of arbitration fees shall be submitted to the commodity prices administration department for approval .

  8. 仲裁费用由该裁决书中规定的一方或双方承担。

    The cost of arbitration shall be borne by either or both parties as the arbitral tribunal may state in the award .

  9. 仲裁的费用约为1000至2000英镑(合1900至3800美元),而打官司的费用则可能高达1万英镑。

    Arbitration costs about 1,000-2,000 , ( $ 1,900 - $ 3,800 ), with a court case likely to cost as much as 10,000 .

  10. 双方应自行负担其各自的律师费用,并且平均分摊仲裁程序费用,包括但不限于仲裁员费用。

    The Parties shall bear their own attorneys'fees , and shall bear equally the expenses of the arbitral proceedings , including without limitation the fees of the arbitrator .

  11. 伦敦海事仲裁中的费用担保制度

    The System of Security for Costs in London Maritime Arbitration

  12. 缔约各方应承担其委任仲裁员的费用。

    Each Contracting Party shall bear the cost of the arbitrator appointed by it .

  13. 如果事情最终和解,双方应该支付自己一方的费用和成本以及百分之五十的仲裁人的费用。

    Each Party shall pay its own fees and costs and50 % of the arbitrator 's fee if the matter is ultimately settled .

  14. 根据仲裁规则,仲裁费用应由败诉方承担。

    The arbitration fee shall , in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration , be borne by the losing party .

  15. 同意你委对申请仲裁当事人收取仲裁费用,仲裁费用包括案件受理费和案件处理费。

    I.We agree to your application for collecting fees from the parties concerned in arbitration cases , which includes case acceptance fees and case handling fees .

  16. 被申请人提出反请求,应当按照仲裁委员会的仲裁费用表的规定预缴仲裁费。仲裁庭已判给你方损失赔偿费。

    When filing a counterclaim , the Respondent must pay an arbitration fee in advance according to the Arbitration Fee Schedule of the Arbitration Commission . You have be awarded your damages by the arbitration court .

  17. 被诉人提出反诉时,应当按照本仲裁规则所附的仲裁费用表的规定预缴仲裁费。

    When filing a counter-claim , the Respondent must pay an arbitration fee in advance according to the arbitration fee schedule attached to these arbitration rules .

  18. 除仲裁委员会另有决定外,仲裁费用由败诉一方负担。

    Unless otherwise awarded by the said arbitration commission , the arbitration fees shall be borne by the Losing party .

  19. 如果您要对争议进行仲裁的话,您只需要根据仲裁费用表的规定向中国国际经贸仲裁委员会缴纳合理的费用。

    If you submit your dispute to arbitration , you only need to pay a resonable fee to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission according to the arbitration fee schedule .

  20. 第五十四条裁决书应当写明仲裁请求、争议事实、裁决理由、裁决结果、仲裁费用的负担和裁决日期。

    Article 54 The arbitration claims , the matters in dispute , the grounds upon which an award is given , the results of the judgement , the responsibility for the arbitration fees and the date of the award shall be set forth in the award .

  21. 当事人自行和解或者经仲裁庭调解结案的,当事人可以协商确定各自承担的仲裁费用的比例。

    If the parties become reconciled or the case is settled through conciliation by the arbitration tribunal , the parties may make an agreement of the proportion of the arbitration expenses to be borne by each party .

  22. 申请仲裁时未确定争议金额的,由仲裁委员会秘书处决定仲裁费用的数额。

    If no amount of claim is stated when applying for arbitration , the amount of arbitration fees shall be determined by the Secretariat of the arbitra-tion commission .