
zhònɡ cái tiáo kuǎn
  • arbitral clause;arbitration clause;compromissory clause;clause compromissoire
  1. 称“书面协定”者,谓当事人所签订或在互换函电中所载明之契约仲裁条款或仲裁协定。

    The term " agreement in writing " shall include an arbitral clause in a contract or an arbitration agreement , signed by the parties or contained in an exchange of letters or telegrams .

  2. 请您把仲裁条款详细地解释一下好吗?

    Please explain the arbitration clause in detail , will you ?

  3. 第三、合法有效的仲裁条款排除司法管辖原则。

    Third , legal and effective arbitral clauses exclude judicial domination .

  4. 论提单并入租约仲裁条款

    The Arbitration Clause of Charterparty Incorporated into the Bill of Lading

  5. 我国对外税收协定仲裁条款引入问题初探

    On Introducing the Arbitration Procedure In Our Country 's Tax Treaties

  6. 提单仲裁条款法律效力问题研究

    On legal effects of arbitration clause in bills of lading

  7. 我们对仲裁条款也非常重视。

    We also attach great importance to the arbitration clause .

  8. 我们一向重视合同的仲裁条款。

    We always attach importance to the arbitration clause of a contract .

  9. 仲裁条款对第三人的效力

    The Effect of Arbitration Clauses on the Third Party

  10. 这是中的一项仲裁条款。

    There is an arbitration clause in the contract .

  11. 仲裁条款对任何合同来说都是必要的。

    The arbitration clause is indispensable for any contracts .

  12. 论提单仲裁条款的效力

    On Validity of Arbitration Clause in Bill of Lading

  13. 实质性印度法律应适用于本仲裁条款。

    The substantive laws of India shall be applicable to this arbitration clause .

  14. 国际商事仲裁条款独立性问题研究

    A Study on Severability of International Commercial Arbitration Clause

  15. 仲裁条款可否规定短于一年的仲裁时效;

    Whether arbitration clause could stipulate a time bar less than one year ;

  16. 恐怕你对仲裁条款还不太清楚。

    I am afraid you are not quite clear on the arbitration clause .

  17. 仲裁条款独立性理论及其在我国的应用论提单中的仲裁条款

    Separability of Arbitration Clause and Its Application in China

  18. 如果我要求修订一下仲裁条款,您会介意吗?

    Will you mind if I ask you to revise the arbitration clause ?

  19. 其中虽然提单仲裁条款的有效性准据法与一般仲裁协议准据法有相似之处,但有自己的具体适用规则,故不能视为与之重叠。

    Section two is relevant to applicable law of the validity of arbitration clause .

  20. 大多数的合同都有仲裁条款。

    Most of the contract have arbitration clause .

  21. 仲裁条款的独立性问题

    A Study of the Autonomy of Arbitration Clauses

  22. 提单中的条款,包括仲裁条款,是海上货物运输合同内容的一部分。

    The arbitration clause in bills of lad in g is part of the contract .

  23. 现在我们把合同中仲裁条款里的规定再审一遍,了吗?

    Now let us go over the stipulations of the arbitration clause of the contract .

  24. 论提单中的仲裁条款

    Arbitration Clause in Bill of Lading

  25. 并入提单的仲裁条款若干法律问题探讨

    On Some Legal Issues Relating to Charter Party Arbitration Clause Incorporated in the Bills of Lading

  26. 仲裁条款独立性原则刍议

    On the Separability of Arbitration Clause

  27. 其次针对并入提单的仲裁条款所属租约的识别问题展开论述。

    Secondly , the recognition problem of the arbitration clause incorporated in bills of lading is discussed .

  28. 其中一个方面就是仲裁条款的效力向第三人延伸。

    One aspects of this trend is the extending of effects of arbitration clauses to third parties .

  29. 建议你公司起草合同时也包括同样的仲裁条款。

    We suggest that we include the same Arbitration Clause in the draft agreement you are to prepare .

  30. 换言之,该第三人是否应当受该合同中的仲裁条款的约束?

    In other words , whether the third party should be bound to the contract 's arbitration dause ?