
zhòng cái cái jué
  • arbitration award;arbitral decision
仲裁裁决[zhòng cái cái jué]
  1. 国际商事仲裁裁决在中国的强制执行

    Enforcement of the International Commercial Arbitration Award in the P.R.China

  2. 我国涉外仲裁裁决撤销制度若干问题的思考

    Thoughts on Problems of Repeal of Arbitration Award Concerning Foreign Interests in China

  3. CAS仲裁裁决在中国的顺利执行目前还得不到中国相关法律的保障。

    The successful enforcement of CAS arbitration awards has not found safeguard from China domestic law .

  4. 造成国际投资仲裁裁决损害东道国主权的主要原因在于缔约国签订了高度自由的BIT,让渡了过多的主权。

    International investment arbitration awards causing damage on the sovereignty of the host country is mainly because that the host country has transferred too much sovereignty in signing BIT .

  5. 加入PIC/S与推动我国参与GMP国际互认相互承认和执行仲裁裁决;相互执行仲裁裁决

    China s Entering into PIC / S and Participating in GMP Mutual Recognition Agreements ; reciprocal enforcement of arbitration awards

  6. 开证行拒付留单后CIF合同的履行&兼评CIETAC[99]沪贸仲字第1422号仲裁裁决书

    Performance of CIF Contracts after Rejection but Holding of Documents by Issuing Bank & Comments on a CIETAC Arbitral Award

  7. 第一部分ICSID仲裁裁决执行中的国家豁免问题的提出。

    The first part puts forward the question of State immunity about the enforcement of ICSID arbitration judgments .

  8. ICSID仲裁裁决撤销制度的反思&基于仲裁效率价值的思考

    Reflection on The System of ICSID Arbitral Awards Revocation & Thinking Based on the Value of Arbitral Efficiency

  9. 第二部分是对ICSID仲裁裁决执行中的国家豁免问题的分析,分为实证分析和理论分析两部分。

    The second part of the ICSID ruling the analysis of the enforcement of the question of State immunity , divided into empirical and theoretical analysis of two parts .

  10. 为避免仲裁裁决结果不一致而导致的正当性危机,ICSID开始启用合并仲裁,合并仲裁既可以提高解决争议的效率,又可以避免仲裁矛盾裁决的出现。

    To avoid inconsistent award resulting in the legitimacy crisis , ICSID launches the consolidated arbitration . The consolidated arbitration can both improve the efficiency of arbitration and avoid the contradictory arbitral award .

  11. 其次在实证分析后进行理论分析,探讨了ICSID仲裁裁决与传统国际商事仲裁有何不同之处,以及ICSID仲裁裁决执行中国家豁免的若干特殊问题。

    In the empirical analysis to analyze what are the differences between ICSID arbitral award and the traditional International Commercial Arbitration , and some special problems about State immunity in the enforcement of the ICSID arbitral awards .

  12. 仲裁裁决必须解决提交仲裁的一切争议。

    The award must determine all the differences referred to arbitration .

  13. 论申请撤销仲裁裁决程序

    On the Procedure of Applying for canceling Arbitrate and Adjudication

  14. 承认与执行国际商事仲裁裁决国际公约述评

    On the International Conventions of Recognition and Execution of Commercial Arbitrate Awards

  15. 第一章对国际商事仲裁裁决书进行了界定。

    Arbitration And these contents will be expounded in the first chapter .

  16. 我国执行程序中审查仲裁裁决的问题研究

    The Research of Reviewing Arbitration Award in Chinese Implementation of the Program

  17. 仲裁裁决是最终的,对双方均有约束。

    The arbitration decision shall be final and binding on both parties .

  18. 国际商事仲裁裁决承认制度研究

    The Study on the Recognition of International Arbitral Awards

  19. 对国际商事仲裁裁决司法监督的论争及评析

    Comments on Dispute Concerning Award of International Commercial Arbitration

  20. 论法院对国际商事仲裁裁决的撤销

    A Brief Discussion on Court 's Repeal About Arbitraments Of International Commercial Arbitration

  21. 第三,劳动争议仲裁裁决不是终局结果;

    This is not end results for the adjudication of labor disputes arbitration .

  22. 有罪[无罪]的裁断有执行力的仲裁裁决

    A verdict of guilty / not guilty enforceable award

  23. 论我国承认和执行区际仲裁裁决的模式选择

    On Mode Choice of Recognition and Enforcement of Interregional Arbitral Awards in China

  24. 法官明天判决此案.不说明理由的仲裁裁决

    The judge will decide tomorrow . d for which no reasons are given

  25. 不予执行的仲裁裁决

    Non-enforcement of Arbitral Award reciprocal enforcement of arbitration awards

  26. 第四部分是关于网上仲裁裁决的承认与执行。

    The fourth is the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards on the Internet .

  27. 对于仲裁裁决,当事人应当履行。

    The parties shall implement the arbitration award .

  28. 国际仲裁裁决执行问题委员会

    Committee on the Enforcement of International Arbitral Awards

  29. 附具理由的仲裁裁决问题初探

    A preliminary Study on Arbitral Awards with Reasons

  30. 我国国内仲裁裁决司法监督的诉讼化模式构想

    Conception on the Litigation Mode of the Judicial Supervision on the Domestic Arbitration Award