
zhònɡ cái shí xiào
  • limitation of arbitration;prescription of arbitration
  1. 第七十四条法律对仲裁时效有规定的,适用该规定。

    Article 74 If the law has stipulated a time limitation of arbitration , such provisions of the law shall apply .

  2. 法律对仲裁时效没有规定的,适用诉讼时效的规定。

    If the law has not stipulated a time limitation of arbitration , the provisions on the limitation of actions shall apply .

  3. 在本阶段,申请仲裁时效期间的法定名称,劳动行政部门称之为申请仲裁时效,法院称之为申请仲裁期间,为期60日R,自劳动争议发生之日开始计算。

    At this stage , the statutory limitation period for arbitration name for the labor administrative authorities call " time for arbitration ," the court called " for arbitration period " for a period of 60 days , from the " date of occurrence of labor dispute . " counted .

  4. 劳动争议仲裁时效制度的突破及其局限

    On the Breakthroughs and Limitations of the Arbitration Limitation System of Labor Disputes

  5. 劳动争议仲裁时效性质研究

    On the Nature of Limitation of Labor Dispute Arbitrage

  6. 劳动争议仲裁时效制度是我国《劳动法》上的一项重要制度。

    Labor disputed arbitrary prescription system is an important system in labor law .

  7. 劳动仲裁时效制度若干问题思考

    Thoughts on the Problems of Limitation of Labour Arbitration

  8. 论劳动仲裁时效的几个问题

    Several Points about the Prescription of Labor Arbitration

  9. 完善劳动仲裁时效制度的构想

    Consideration for perfecting labor arbitration

  10. 本文意在探讨申请仲裁时效期间制度的演变历程。

    This paper is intended to apply for arbitration of the evolution of the system during the course of time .

  11. 浅论劳动争议仲裁时效与劳动者的保护&兼评《劳动法》第82条

    On Limitation of Labor Dispute Arbitration and Protection of Labor : Annex to Comment on the Article 82 of Labor Law

  12. 劳动仲裁时效是督促权利人及时行使权利的一种法律制度。

    The limitation of labour arbitration is a kind of law system that is expected to urge obligee to exercise their rights .

  13. 不少工伤者因“已超过仲裁时效”而被拒绝在劳动仲裁大门之外,甚至工伤补偿金在裁决生效后仍然得不到执行。

    Many victims of industrial accidents are kept out of the door of labor arbitration because they are beyond the prescription of arbitration .

  14. 权利人不及时行使权利超过仲裁时效的,失去仲裁胜诉权,但不必然失去胜诉权。

    If the litigant can 't exercise his right within it , he will lose the right of prevailing arbitration , but it is not inevitable .

  15. 本文认为,完善劳动仲裁时效制度应考虑设立时效制度的意义、劳动法的立法目的、劳动争议解决体制等因素。

    Perfecting the term of labor arbitration should think about the significance of building arbitration term , legislation purpose of labor law and the system of solution for labor argument .

  16. 劳动争议仲裁申请时效过短,应当实行诉讼时效制度。

    The time limit of arbitration for applying is too short to protect the laborers'rights , therefore the limitations should be put into practice .

  17. 本文针对我国劳动争议仲裁制度和时效制度中存在的问题,探讨劳动争议处理制度的创新,以期完善我国的劳动争议处理制度。

    The problems on arbitration and finance system in the labor dispute have been discussed as a main idea in this paper .

  18. 如果仲裁条款没有仲裁时效,海牙规则规定的一年诉讼时效过后,当事方可否提起仲裁等。另一方面,资产证券化在中国的运用将面临不少法律障碍。

    Where arbitration clause fails to provide time limitation , whether the one-year time bar in Hague Rules should apply . On the other hand , China fails to provide the comprehensive legal system to support the application of securitization .

  19. 随着我国劳动关系发展的进一步复杂化,在劳动争议仲裁中先裁后审、仲裁时效、受案范围、仲裁公正性等问题的弊端不断暴露出来。

    With the complex of labor relationships in China , those problems , such as arbitration before trial , arbitration time limit , case range and arbitration justice , often appear .

  20. 仲裁条款可否规定短于一年的仲裁时效;

    Whether arbitration clause could stipulate a time bar less than one year ;

  21. 劳动争议仲裁处于试行办理阶段,尚无关于申请仲裁时效期间的法律规定。

    Arbitration of labor disputes in a " trial for " stage , there is no limitation period on the application of arbitration law .