
zhònɡ cái jī ɡòu
  • arbitral institution;arbitral agency
  1. 界限不清会导致法院和仲裁机构互相侵蚀对方管辖权,界限不当又会引起重复劳动、资源浪费。

    The vagueness and obscurity can cause power erosion of law courts into domain of arbitral agency , and vice versa .

  2. 仲裁管辖权冲突涉及仲裁与法院两种管辖权的冲突和不同仲裁机构之间的管辖权冲突。

    Conflicts of arbitral jurisdiction include conflicts ot jurisdiction between arbitral agency and court , and conflicts of jurisdiction between different arbitral agencies .

  3. 在总线仲裁机构设计中应用了复杂可编程逻辑器件CPLD,固化了和总线仲裁有关的总线逻辑关系。

    The complex programmable logic unit CPLD was applied in the design of the bus arbitration organization .

  4. 俄罗斯向全球体育纠纷的最终仲裁机构体育仲裁法庭(CourtofArbitrationforSport)上诉,但后者称国际田联的处罚在法律上合理。

    The Court of Arbitration for Sport , the final arbiter on global sports disputes , to which Russia had appealed , said that the organization 's penalty was legally sound .

  5. 由于,法庭之友是目前非政府实体参与WTO争端解决机制的主要途径,因此,WTO仲裁机构要协调好内外矛盾,就会遇到法庭之友问题。

    So WTO adjudicating bodies will meet the ' Amicus Curiae ', since the ' Amicus Curiae ' is now the main path to participate the WTO Dispute Settlement mechanism for the Non-governmental entities .

  6. 因此,您可以咨询CNNIC授权的两家仲裁机构中的任意一家。

    Thus , you can consult with either of CNNIC accredited domain name dispute resolution institutions for details .

  7. NPR新闻的记者报道叛军准备撤出的声明由乌干达仲裁机构公布。

    NPR 's A Q reports the announcement follows an earlier one by the mediator Uganda that the rebels were prepared to pull out .

  8. 2逐步实现仲裁机构的民间性;

    To realize gradually the non-governmental corporation of the arbitration institution ;

  9. 和谐社会中仲裁机构的作用具有不可替代性。

    Thus , the functions of arbitration organs cannot be substituted .

  10. 第二,劳动争议仲裁机构的独立问题。

    Secondly , the question is the independence of labor dispute arbitration .

  11. 在中国也有常设仲裁机构吗?

    Is it the same general arbitration institutions in China ?

  12. 仲裁机构是为解决当事人之间的纠纷而设立的一种管理机构,是一种非盈利性的组织。

    Arbitration organs are non-profit administrative organizations established for disputes settlement between parties .

  13. 论仲裁机构与法院的关系

    On the Relationship between the Arbitration Organization and Court

  14. 需要时,我们可以讨论协商成立一个临时的仲裁机构。

    We may discuss to agree upon a temporary arbitral body when needed .

  15. 我们希望使用常设的仲裁机构。

    We prefer to employ a stand arbitration organization .

  16. 仲裁机构体制改革意见评析&一种文化的视角

    A Review on the Reformative Approaches to Restructure Arbitration Institutions & a Cultural Perspective

  17. 关于仲裁机构体制改革的讨论凸显其间的话语之争和利益博弈。

    Different reformative approaches to restructure arbitration institutions reflect the divergence in interests among stakeholders .

  18. 论仲裁机构的管理文化

    On The Management Culture of Arbitration Organizations

  19. 2009年仲裁机构发布了有利于达能的部分判决,双方达成和解。

    A settlement was reached in 2009 after a partial award in Danone 's favour .

  20. 裁定书应当送达双方当事人和仲裁机构。

    The above-mentioned written order shall be served on both parties and the arbitral organ .

  21. 仲裁机构是通过仲裁方式,解决双方民事争议,作出仲裁裁决的机构。

    Arbitration organizations are organizations to resolve civil disputes and make an arbitral through arbitration .

  22. 《中华人民共和国体育法》规定:在竞技体育活动中发生纠纷,由体育仲裁机构负责调解、仲裁。

    It is stipulated in sports arbitration institutions are responsible for mediating disputes in sports activities .

  23. 经济全球化条件下外国仲裁机构在中国仲裁及其影响

    Foreign Arbitration Institution 's Arbitration in China and Its Impact in the Environments of Economic Globalization

  24. 仲裁机构为中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会上海分会,仲裁语言为中文和英文。

    The arbitration body shall be China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Center , Shanghai Branch .

  25. 方法之四是申请仲裁机构仲裁。

    The final method is arbitration .

  26. 此外,该部分还研究了仲裁机构或仲裁员在域外取证的问题。

    Furthermore , this part studies on the taking of evidence abroad by arbitration institutions and arbitrators .

  27. 常设仲裁机构规定了仲裁手续,还备有仲裁人名簿。

    The standard arbitration institution stipulates the procedures of arbitration and keeps the name list of the arbitrator .

  28. 如果双方有争议有友好协商不能解决时,可以提交仲裁机构仲裁。

    B.If the dispute or friendly negotiation cannot be resolved , they can be refered to arbitration agency .

  29. 因而,推动仲裁机构的改革,反过来又促进和谐社会。

    Therefore , the reforms of arbitration organs should , in return , promote the harmony in society .

  30. 经济合同的无效。中级人民法院或者仲裁机构确认。

    The voidness of an economic contract shall be confirmed by the people 's courts or the arbitration agencies .