
zhòng cái
  • arbitrate;arbitration
仲裁 [zhòng cái]
  • [arbitration] 公认的第三者在争端两方间进行裁定公断

  • 仲裁委员会

仲裁[zhòng cái]
  1. 已成立一个委员会在资方与工会之间进行仲裁。

    A committee was created to arbitrate between management and the unions .

  2. 曾设立过特别法庭对此纷争作出仲裁。

    The tribunal had been set up to arbitrate in the dispute .

  3. 争执双方已同意提请仲裁。

    Both sides in the dispute have agreed to go to arbitration .

  4. 他在神学和政治事务上都是最终的仲裁人。

    He was the ultimate arbiter on both theological and political matters .

  5. 法官说仲裁是公平且迅速有效的判决过程。

    The judge said that arbitration was a fair and expeditious decision-making process .

  6. 这件事很有可能要提请仲裁。

    The matter is likely to go to arbitration .

  7. 他在投资者和该协会成员之间作出仲裁。

    He arbitrates between investors and members of the association

  8. 英国雇佣法包括解决劳资纠纷的仲裁和调解机制。

    UK employment law embodies arbitration and conciliation mechanisms for settling industrial disputes .

  9. 不要幻想一个劳资仲裁法庭能纠正所有的雇佣不公现象。

    Do not have any illusions that an industrial tribunal will right all employment wrongs

  10. 如果俱乐部之间无法达成协议,将由一个独立的仲裁委员会来裁定。

    If the clubs cannot conclude a deal , an independent tribunal will decide .

  11. 我们还是把争执提交仲裁吧。

    Let 's submit our disputes for arbitration .

  12. 仲裁人将拥有最终决定权。

    The arbiter will have the final say .

  13. 此事已通过强制性仲裁得到解决。

    It was settled by compulsory arbitration .

  14. 得有一个人在他们当中进行仲裁。

    Someone must arbitrate between them .

  15. 他充任仲裁人。

    He acted as arbiter .

  16. 仲裁人裁定赔偿卖方五百英镑。

    The arbitrators awarded the sellers £ 500 as damage .

  17. 比如中国国际贸易促进会对外经济仲裁委员会就是这样的机构。

    For example , foreign Trade Arbitration Commission is such a kind of institution .

  18. 仲裁不实行级别管辖和地域管辖。

    The jurisdiction by level system and the district jurisdiction system shall not apply in arbitration .

  19. 仲裁人的裁决有约束力,这种惯例在美国常被使用。

    The award of the arbitrator is binding and the practice is frequently used in the us .

  20. 双方须以良好诚信的态度遵守仲裁庭的决定。underthatpartofacontract(在其下,按规定条款)例句:

    The parties thereto shall , in good faith , comply with the decision and award of the arbitration5 tribunal .

  21. 双方都赞同仲裁具有约束力。

    Both sides have agreed that the arbitration will be binding .

  22. 安德鲁是那场纠纷的仲裁人。

    Andrew was the arbiter of the disagreement .

  23. 工资纠纷正在仲裁中。

    The wage disagreement is under arbitration .

  24. 截至去年十一月,该秘书处分处处理的区内仲裁个案有120宗

    By November last year , it was administering 120 arbitrations that were conducted in the region .

  25. 作为劳工关系专家,她负责处理该地区所有的申诉和仲裁

    She was the labor relation specialist , and handled all grievances , and arbitrations for the region .

  26. PCI总线分组循环仲裁算法的实现

    The Implementation of Packet Circular Priority Algorithm on PCI

  27. 在管理将令牌分配给仲裁流的同时,JITT&D还计算关于其活动的统计数据,计算过程由History类执行。

    While managing token assignments to mediation flows , the JITT & D also computes statistics about its activity , which is done by the History class .

  28. 针对实时监控系统的容错设计,该文介绍了一种单片机双机系统,提出了这种系统中双CPU间独特的仲裁切换逻辑及其同步控制方案。

    The paper introduces a type of dual monolithic computer system tbr fault-tolerant of real-time monitoring system .

  29. PCI总线仲裁器的设计及实现

    Design and Realization of PCI Arbiter

  30. 介绍了双口RAM的结构原理、仲裁逻辑控制及相应的使用特点;

    The construction principle , arbitration logic control of dual-port RAM and related usage characteristics are introduced .