
shè huì bǎo zhànɡ fǎ
  • social security act;social security law
  1. 到了1936年,美国《社会保障法》(theSocialSecurityAct)的通过催生了极其庞大的信息处理需求&跟踪迄今所有的政府和企业薪金数据。

    Then , in 1936 , the Social Security Act passed , creating the single biggest information problem tracking all those paychecks for government and business to date .

  2. 1935年8月14日,美国总统罗斯福签署了《社会保障法》,它标志着OASDI(Old-AgeandSurvivorsandDisabilityInsurance,即老年、遗属及残疾保险,也就是美国人所称的社会保障)的诞生。

    President Roosevelt signed Social Security Act On August 14 , 1935 . It marked the beginning of OASDI ( Old-Age and Survivors and Disability Insurance ) .

  3. 社会保障法主体的解析&我国社会保障法律制度的改革与完善

    The Reformation and Improvement of the Social Security Law in China

  4. 社会保障法规定根据婚姻证明提供遗属津贴。

    The Social Security Act provided survivors'benefits with proof of marriage .

  5. 论第三部门在社会保障法中的地位与作用

    Research on the Third Sector for the Social Security System

  6. 我国海员社会保障法之研究

    A Study on Seaman 's Social Security Law of China

  7. 社会保障法是市场经济体系中的重要组成部分,通过社会保障法的调整,可以起到稳定社会政治、经济秩序的作用。

    Social security law is an important part of marketing economic system .

  8. 论作为社会保障法基础的社会连带

    Social Solidarity serving as the Foundation of Social Security Law

  9. 社会保障法对老年人提供两种帮助。

    For old people the Social Security Act provided two kinds of assistance .

  10. 新角度看劳动法和社会保障法的关系

    On The Relationship of Labor Law and Security Law from a New Angle

  11. 社会保障法为生存权利保障法,保障社会成员的基本生存和生活;

    It protects the existing rights , guarantees people 's basic existing and life .

  12. 社会保障法的本质特征。

    The nature of the social security law .

  13. 美国社会保障法评析

    Analysis on the Social Insurance Law of America

  14. 德国社会保障法一直处于渐变中,主要是增加个人责任和自由。

    The trend of German social security reform is to increase individual duty and freedom .

  15. 社会保障法概念探析

    Study on Concept of Social Security Law

  16. 社会保障法是调整社会保障关系的法律规范的总称。

    Social security law is the total legal rules that modify the relations of social security .

  17. 农村社会保障法是落实农民生存权的最为重要的法律途径。

    Rural social security law is the most important legal measure to guarantee farmers survival rights .

  18. 社会保障法中的人&社会保障法被保障主体研究

    Person in Social Security Law

  19. 我国社会保障法的基本原则应包括:普遍性与选择性相结合原则、权利义务相一致原则、公平与效率兼顾原则、社会保障水平与经济发展相适应原则、国家保障与社会保障相结合原则。

    The principles of the social security law should include : the fusion of universality and selection ;

  20. 最后归纳整理现行水上交通事故人身损害赔偿的社会保障法体系。

    Finally , summarize the current maritime traffic accident personal injury compensation system of the Social Security Act .

  21. 侵权行为法到社会保障法的结构调整&以受雇人人身伤害之权利救济的视角

    On the Structure of Transition Form Tort to Social Security & From the Protection of Employee in Industry Injury

  22. 德国社会保障法的主要特点是,社会保障责任主体方面实行社会责任原则、由自治性社会组织&社会保障机构负责社会保险事务,收支模式是现收现付制,筹资形式模式是收费制。

    The characteristics of German social security legal system are social duty principle , pay-as-you-go system and free-raising system .

  23. 经本文研究证明,社会保障法具有经济法的属性是不容置疑的。

    Proved by this study , the Social Security Law has the properties of Economic Law is beyond doubt .

  24. 建议从宏观经济法的分配、税收,市场规制和社会保障法等方面进行完善。

    The author suggests improving from the distribution of macro-economic law , taxation , market regulation and social security law .

  25. 理论界较一致地认为,社会保障法的基本价值取向是公平与效率。

    Most of people in the theoretical circle think the fundamental value of social security law is fairness and efficiency .

  26. 行政执法自由裁量中的利益衡量构建我国社会保障法主体的体系和对主体的权利义务进行分配时,要对主体在社会保障法领域内的利益进行平衡。

    Benefit-balance in Utilizing Administrative Discretional Right The establishment of the subject system in China should be directed by Benefit-Balance theory .

  27. 社会保障法是我国法律体系中的重要法律部门,是新兴的社会法的典范。

    Social security law is an important section of law in Chinese law system , a fine example of the social laws .

  28. 德国、美国养老社会保障法的比较研究&以国家、社会和市场为视角

    Comparison and Research on the Old-age Social Security Law in Germany and America & from the Angles of State , Market and Society

  29. 继续发挥侵权行为法和社会保障法在雇员人身损害赔偿、补偿中的互动作用。

    To continue to play the interaction role of infringement laws and social security laws in the employee personal injury compensation and complement .

  30. 正确确定社会保障法的概念应当考虑以下因素:1、社会保障法的价值取向;

    In my view , correctly identified the concept of the social security law should consider the following factors : 1 、 value orientation ;