
  • 网络venture capital company;resuccess investments limited;venture company
  1. 1985年中国新技术创业投资公司的成立标志着我国开始正式涉足这一领域。

    The establishment of China New Technology Venture Capital Company is the symbol of the first step of China into this field .

  2. 本章在全面介绍中国创业投资公司发展历程和现状的基础上,深入剖析了中国创业投资公司亟待解决的若干问题。

    This chapter comprehensive introduces the development history and current situation of China venture capital company . Based on this , this chapter deeply analysis many problems which needs solving .

  3. 武汉HG创投投资有限责任公司(以下简称HG创投)作为九十年代末中国风险投资风起云涌时诞生的中国典型中小型创业投资公司,带着自身的特点和局限性走过了它两年多的经营历程。

    As a typical small-medium size venture capital born in the 1990s ' venture investment tide of China , HG Venture Capital is two year old with its own characteristics and weaknesses .

  4. 正如trivest等创业投资公司如今能够招聘实习生一样,较小型咨询公司也具备这个能力。

    Just as entrepreneurial investment firms such as trivest are now able to recruit interns , so are smaller consultancies .

  5. 中国创业投资公司治理机制研究

    A Study on Corporate Governance Mechanism of Chinese Venture Capital Company

  6. 促进我国创业投资公司发展的策略分析

    Analysis of strategy about hastening venture capital corporation in China

  7. 论创业投资公司的风险及其治理

    On the Risk and Governing of Venture Capital Company

  8. 新型创业投资公司具有广阔的发展前景有待人们去挖掘。

    So there are vast prospects in waiting for us to go and excavate .

  9. 创业投资公司的后续管理模式设计

    Design of a follow-up management model of the venture capital ( V.C. ) investment corporation

  10. 选择恰当的企业组织方式,有利于创业投资公司的发展。

    Selecting proper form of enterprise will be conducive to the development of pioneering investment company .

  11. 第三、针对不同资金背景创业投资公司的优势,阐述了它们各自的投入原则,并结合案例进行实证分析。

    Thirdly , we analyze the investing principle of VC 's company in the light of various fund background .

  12. 根据所构建的指标体系,选取创业投资公司中的具体案例来检验模型的可行性,并正确地评估出案例中项目的价值。

    Selected specific cases to test the feasibility of the model and assess correctly the value of the projects .

  13. 在德国,随着创业投资公司规模的扩大,其投资的地域范围也在扩大。

    As to the size of the reported German venture capital firm increases , the geographic scope of the investments also increases .

  14. 考察了创业投资公司常用的投资工具,并对创业投资公司多选择权益性投资工具的原因进行分析。

    Reviewing the investment tools in common use by venture capital fund , we analyses the reason to use equity investment tools .

  15. 要解决这个问题,创业投资公司(创业投资基金)、个人投资者、政府三者需相互配合,发挥各自的积极作用。

    In order to solve this problem , venture capital organizations , venture capital funds , angel capitalists and government should work together .

  16. 具体分析了创业投资公司中股东会和董事会的地位及职责,其中重点介绍和分析了独立董事制度。

    In the section , the status and duties of board of shareholders and the directors , especially the independent director system , are specified .

  17. 该部分就中国创业投资公司绩效评价的方法、思路、指标设计、体系构建、评价实施等方面进行了讨论。

    This part discusses the method ideas , index design , system construction , and evaluation implementation of the China venture capital company performance evaluation .

  18. 由于许多物联网企业刚刚起步,风险很大,所以许多创业投资公司在投资决策时非常慎重。

    Many of the IOT business have just started , which were very risky . And many venture capital firms were very careful when making investment decisions .

  19. 论文以国有创业投资公司所面临的风险和风险管理为主线,探讨创业投资运作过程中的风险管理理论如何在国有创业投资公司有效利用。

    Hence , for the success of state-owned venture capitals , the core subject is to recognize the risks and research the risk management mechanism in their operation .

  20. 关于组合投资契约中的道德风险则将研究的视角转到从创业投资公司在筹集资本时考虑用资本有限来创造竞争效应,激励创业投资双边的努力,这是一个完全不同的视角。

    In Portfolio contract , it studied how to design the limited capital to incentive both effort and create the competitive effect , which is a completely different visual angle .

  21. 希望本论文能为HX创业投资有限公司和与其类似的创业投资机构在项目投资决策上提供参考与帮助。

    It is the hope that this paper can bring the useful referee and tips to HX . co. , and other VC institutes on the project investment decision .

  22. 最后,对自管型创业投资基金公司的组织结构设置和决策机制提出了设想。

    Finally , the paper puts forward some suggestions on the design of structure and decision - making mechanism of self - managed venture capital fund corporation .

  23. 对各个创业投资管理公司来讲,如何在竞争中采取合适的战略,是关乎企业持久性发展的重大决策;竞争战略的选择与正确实施直接关系着企业能否生存、壮大。

    For each venture capital management company , how to take appropriate strategy in the competition is a major decision-making related to the persistent development . Correct selection and implementation of competitive strategies directly related to the survival and growth of business .

  24. 中华创业投资协会有限公司在香港注册,下设北京代表处。

    CVCA is incorporated in Hong Kong with a representative office in Beijing .

  25. 本章又分为四节:第一节是创业投资基金对公司类型的选择。

    This chapter contains four sections . The first is the choice of venture capital among the styles of the corporation .

  26. 从软件创业公司到投机性投资公司、制药巨头和媒体巨头,它们都越来越多地加入到软件业务行列。

    From software startups to hedge funds to pharmaceutical giants to big media , they 're all increasingly in the business of software .

  27. 并没有针对创业投资的投资时间、创业投资参与公司治理、创业投资背景等因素对被投资对象IPO抑价的影响。

    And no investment of time for venture capital institutions , venture capital institutions to participate in corporate governance , venture capital and institutional context factors affect the price of investments IPO underpricing .

  28. 其中一个重要原因就是,我国长期以来注重创业投资形式上的引入,轻视创业投资公司内生治理机制的构建,最终解决不了高运营成本、高代理成本和弱激励机制等基本问题。

    One of important reasons is China merely concentrates on importing venture capital 's models rather than the internal corporate governance at venture capital company . Therefore it can not eventually resolve the conflict between its high transaction cost , agent cost and its weak incentive mechanism .

  29. 创业投资的特点决定了有限合伙制是创业投资公司的最佳选择,我国要发展创业投资,应该制定《有限合伙企业法》,以满足创业投资公司的需要。

    The characteristics of pioneering investment company determine that the partnership is the best selection of pioneering investment company . In order to develop pioneering investment in China , " Limited Partnership Law " should be formulated to meet the demands of pioneering investment company .

  30. 第二、介绍了创业投资三要素及它们之间的关系。在创业投资中有三个重要的角色:创业投资公司、创业企业和政府。

    Secondly , we introduce the three main factors of VC , i.e. , VC 's company , new-borne enterprise and government .