
ɡǔ fèn ɡōnɡ sī
  • stock company;joint-stock company;stock corporation;stock association
股份公司 [gǔ fèn gōng sī]
  • (1) [stock company]

  • (2) 资本以股份来表示的公司或股份公司

  • (3) 一个为股东所拥有并为股东利益而经营的保险公司,与互助保险公司形成对比

  • (4) [joint-stock company]∶ 由为取得盈利而合股做生意的许多个人组成的公司,其任何成员所持有的股份不须得到其余人的同意即可让渡

  1. 论代理理论在股份公司财务管理中的运用

    The Application of Agency Theory to Financial Management in Joint-Stock Company

  2. 股份公司是现代企业的先驱。

    The joint-stock company was the forerunner of the modern corporation .

  3. 案例正文详细介绍了科源股份公司的背景以及正在进行的HRM改革。

    The case introduces Keyuan corporation 's background and its ongoing appraisal and income distribution reform .

  4. 此外,约有100位村民拥有村里主要控股公司&深圳渔丰实业股份公司(ShenzhenYuFengIndustrialDevelopmentCo)的股票。该公司在临近的东莞经营工厂。

    In addition , about 100 villagers own shares in the community 's main holding company , Shenzhen Yu Feng Industrial Development Co , which manages factories in neighbouring Dongguan .

  5. 今年的“最佳企业歌曲奖”被俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)轻松摘得。

    The best company song this year is won hands down by Gazprom .

  6. 介绍了重钢股份公司炼钢厂2000年试生产的含Nb钢品种质量状况。

    This paper introduces the quality situation of the Nb - steel variety of trial production the year 2000 about Chongqing Iron & Steel Co.

  7. 合作方式是:CBA职业联赛的运营权归中国篮球协会牵头盈方公司、NBA中国公司、各俱乐部共同成立的合资股份公司所有。

    The cooperate mode are as follow , operating right to CBA professional league is belong to China basketball association , NBA China branch , club .

  8. 俄罗斯政府一直对欧盟拟议的能源法规感到不满,认为这对俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(gazprom)构成了歧视。

    Moscow has been irked by proposed EU rules on energy that it believes discriminate against Gazprom , the Russian natural gas group .

  9. 作为现代股份公司的一名CFO,应充分认识到自己在公司中所扮演的角色,明确自己的职责,以便能更好地发挥在公司管理中的作用。

    CFO in modern stock company should realize fully the role he acts in the company and clarify his responsibility so that he can exert the role in company management .

  10. 普京很快就提议由俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)为日本供应更多液化天然气,以缓解能源短缺的局面。

    Mr Putin was quick to suggest that Gazprom , the Russian gas giant , should send more supplies of liquefied natural gas to Japan to ease energy shortages .

  11. 为适应清洁汽油的要求,锦州石化股份公司与石油化工科学研究院合作,该院研制的降烯烃助剂LGOA,在锦州石化公司1.40Mt/a重油催化裂化装置上进行工业应用试验。

    LGO A co catalyst developed by Research Institute of Petroleum Processing was added to the 1.40 Mt / a heavy oil FCC unit in Jinzhou Petrochemical Company for decreasing the naphtha olefin content to meet the requirement of clean fuel production .

  12. 钢管混凝土结构在鞍钢新轧钢股份公司全连铸厂房中的应用

    Application of Steel Pipc concrete Composite Structure to Sequence Casting Factory Buildings

  13. 关于股份公司股利政策的理论探讨

    Theoretical Investigation into Dividend Stock Policy of Stock Companies

  14. 股份公司中小股东知情权的保护

    Protection of Small and Medium Shareholder 's Information in the Joint Stock Companies

  15. 中日股份公司监事权利之比较

    A Comparative Study on Supervisors ' Rights of Chinese and Japanese Stock Corporations

  16. 然而,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司否认曾威胁要削减对欧洲的出口规模。

    However , Gazprom denied that there was any threat to European export volumes .

  17. 论股份公司经理的法律地位

    Discuss Manager 's Legal Status in Stock Company

  18. 职工持股制度是股份公司治理结构完善的重要环节。

    Employee-stock-ownership system is the important link in perfecting administration structure in joint-stock companies .

  19. 该部分分析了股份公司监事会的含义;

    In the part , the author analyses the meaning of the board of censors .

  20. 股份公司兼并财务决策的边界条件分析

    Analyzing the financial boundaries for merger decision

  21. 但是,通过股份公司的资本集中,转瞬之问就把这件事完成了。

    But the matter is completed by capital centralizing of share-issuing company in a flash .

  22. 瑞士爱格尔私有股份公司是瑞士投资公司。

    We are a Swiss investment company .

  23. 俄罗斯统一电力系统股份公司

    RAO Unified Energy System of Russia

  24. 股份公司组织机构与国有企业领导体制的比较

    Comparison between the Organization of Joint stock Companies and the Leading System of State owned Enterprises

  25. 股份公司红利分配方案刍议

    Comment about company 's dividend policy

  26. 股份公司内部控制研究

    Study on Corporate Internal Control

  27. 在某种程度上,这已影响到了我国股份公司的发展进程。

    This has been had a bad effect on the development of joint stock companies in China .

  28. 论股份公司股东质询权

    On Stockholder 's Inquiry Right

  29. 其中,股份公司股东作为利益主体是公司治理结构的关键。

    Therein , it is key of company managing structure that stockholder of stock company is main body .

  30. 阐述了新疆八一钢铁股份公司小型材轧钢厂777000系列干油润滑系统的工作原理,简要分析了产生故障的各种原因及其排除办法。

    Explained the working principle of 777000 series grease lubrication system , analyzed the causes for trouble and provide relative solutions .