
ɡǔ dōnɡ quán yì
  • Shareholders' equity;stockholder's equity
  1. 根据上述会计分录,长期负责和股东权益帐户1998年度的记录如下

    According to the above entries , the long - term liability and stockholder 's equity accounts for 1998 are as follows

  2. 分析结论认为,国有股减持方案确实加重了增发对原有股东权益的稀释程度;

    The conclusion is , the SOS stock reduction plan does increase the extent of dilution of the stockholder 's equity .

  3. 好吧,Facebook公司是在说,它将摊薄股东权益,以募集资金,这样就可以继续运营下去?

    So Facebook is saying it is diluting its shareholders today ( stock is down 2 % this morning ) to raise money so it can , well , essentially keep the lights on ?

  4. EBO模型为公司股东权益的估价提供了一种很好的理论框架。

    EBO model offers a good theoretical framework .

  5. 非盈利性组织Catalyst去年对财富500强(Fortune500)企业所做的研究显示,董事会中拥有三名或者更多的女性,其股东权益回报率、利润率以及投资资本回报率极有可能高于平均水平。

    A study of the US Fortune 500 last year by Catalyst , the non-profit group , suggests that having three or more women on the board correlates strongly with above - average return on shareholder equity , sales and invested capital .

  6. 论IRM理念下的公司价值与股权权益纯益与股东权益百分比

    On the Corporation Value and the Rights and Interests of Stock Right from the IRM Perspective ; percent of net income to stockholders

  7. 东京证交所(tse)目前正在拟定计划,对那些违反母子公司上市规则的上市公司进行处罚,以保护小股东权益。

    The Tokyo Stock Exchange is drawing up plans to discipline listed companies that breach its guidelines for parent-subsidiary listings , in an attempt to protect minority shareholder rights .

  8. 上市公司的股东权益是处于变动状态的投资者权益。

    Shareholder equity of listed companies is investor equity in fluctuation .

  9. 论英美法上对持少数股份股东权益的法律保护

    The legal protection of the minority shareholders in England and US

  10. 在世界范围内,表决权信托已经成为一种保护中小股东权益的重要制度工具。

    Voting trust has become the worldwide tool for Minority-shareholder protecting .

  11. 股权分置与中小股东权益保护

    Sub-owned Shares Reform and the Protection of the Interests of Small Shareholders

  12. 论中小股东权益的法律保护

    On the legal protection of the right of minority shareholders

  13. 因而在上市公司收购中加强中小股东权益保护具有现实意义和重大价值。

    Thus , strengthening the protection of minority interests had great significance .

  14. 基于股东权益最大化的物流基地项目建设和经营策略选择

    Logistics Base Project Construction and Management Strategy Options based on Equity Maximization

  15. 第一部分是上市公司中小股东权益的现状分析。

    The first part is the presentation of the problem .

  16. 我们都对增进股东权益负起了全责。

    We are all responsible for performing in a manner .

  17. 资本多数决的限制与小股东权益保护

    Capital most restriction and little stockholder ′ s equity protect

  18. 我们又将如何大幅增加股东权益呢?

    How will we increase shareholder equity so sharply ?

  19. 上市公司反收购中的中小股东权益保护研究

    Research on the Protection of Minority Shareholders in Anti-Takeovers

  20. 纯益与股东权益百分比纯净空气的有益影响。

    Percent of net income to stockholders the benign influence of pure air .

  21. 第二章公司合并中的股东权益保护。

    The protection of shareholders in corporate merger .

  22. 对中小股东权益保护的思考

    Ponder on the Protection of the Small and Medium-Sized Shareholders ' Rights and Interests

  23. 上市公司股东权益的变动性分析&以2001年年报为例

    Fluctuation Analysis of Shareholder Equity of Listed Companies

  24. 换句话说,股东权益被彻底消灭了近两次。

    In other words , shareholders ' equity was wiped out almost twice over .

  25. 论上市公司中小股东权益保护与立法完善

    Research on Minor Shareholders ' Rights Protection and the Development of the Company Law

  26. 有限责任公司小股东权益随时都可能受到侵害。

    Majority shareholders in limited liability companies often impair the interests of minority shareholders .

  27. 探析中小股东权益保护的法学理论基础

    On the Theoretical Basis of the Law Safeguarding the Equity of Middle-and-Small Stockholders Equity

  28. 第五章是采用综合分析的方法,讨论如何对中小股东权益进行系统保护的问题,分为三个部分,事前预防、事中监管和事后处理。

    Chapter five is mainly on the systematic protection of the right of minor shareholders .

  29. 将其直接冲减控股公司的股东权益;

    Directly counteract the shareholder 's ownership ;

  30. 完善中小股东权益保护立法之我见

    Improvement on the Legislation of Protection to Stockholders with Medium and Small Amount of Stocks