
ɡōnɡ sī zhài wù
  • corporate debt;debt of a corporation
  1. 马来西亚、新西兰和日本也将在本周重新讨论利率,但预计都不会有所动作,尽管日本央行(boj)可能会就收回非常措施提供指导意见,以扶持公司债务市场。

    Malaysia , New Zealand and Japan are also reviewing rates this week , but none of them are expected to make a move , though the Bank of Japan may give guidance on the withdrawal of extraordinary measures to support the corporate debt market .

  2. 公司债务占到中国债务总额的一半以上。

    Corporate debt accounted for more than half the China total .

  3. 经营现金流量与财务杠杆之间呈显著正相关关系。影响我国上市公司债务融资的主要因素依次为企业成长性、ROE和经营现金流。

    The main influence factors of debt financing are Growth Rate , ROE and Cash flow from operating activities .

  4. 正在与激进会计指控做斗争的大宗商品交易商来宝集团(NobleGroup)周二遭遇又一个打击。出于对该公司债务再融资能力的担忧,穆迪(Moody's)将其信用评级下调至垃圾级。

    Noble Group , the commodity trader fighting allegations of aggressive accounting , suffered another blow on Tuesday when its credit rating was cut to junk status by Moody 's because of concerns about the company 's ability to refinance debts .

  5. 结果显示在一定范围内我国上市公司债务融资效应的综合得分F与债务存量及增量在一定范围内成正比关系,表明上市公司利用债务融资有利于公司绩效的改善。

    The analyses show that the comprehensive scores of debt financing effect " F " goes in the same direction as debt stock and debt increment does in certain scope , and show that a listed company may improve it 's performance through debt financing .

  6. 1973年,两位伟大的金融理论家与实务家FisherBlack和MyronScholes发表了他们的著名论文期权定价与公司债务,给出了欧式期权定价的显式表达式,即著名的Black-Scholes公式。

    In 1973 , two great financial theorists and practices Fisher Black and Myron Scholes published their famous paper The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liability which gave the Black-scholes formula , an explicit formula of the pricing of European Option .

  7. 上市公司债务融资、公司治理与市场价值

    Debt Financing , Corporate Governance and Market Valuation of Listed Companies

  8. 董事长对公司债务承担个人责任。

    The chairman is personally liable for the company 's debt .

  9. 公司债务比率上升时,公司价值下降。

    Corporate value decreases when the corporate debt ratio goes up .

  10. 摩根大通的统计专家认识到,公司债务的违约是相关的。

    JP Morgan statisticians knew that company debt defaults are connected .

  11. 在债权治理方面,通过硬化上市公司债务约束机制来改善债务融资结构;

    Strengthening the bankruptcy mechanism to improve financial structure of debt ;

  12. 上市公司债务结构与债权人保护研究

    Study on the Liability Structure and Creditor Protection of Listed Corporation

  13. 这使股东们能轻松摆脱公司债务。

    This lets shareholders walk away from their companies ' debts unscathed .

  14. 我国上市公司债务期限结构研究

    Study on Debt Maturity Structure of Listed Companies in China

  15. 本论文是关于上市公司债务重组问题的研究。

    Study on real option approach of corporate debt reorganization ;

  16. 最后提出了改善电力上市公司债务融资效应的对策建议。

    The paper ends up with suggestions for improving effect of financing .

  17. (四)公司债务担保的重大变更;

    Major changes in the company 's security for debts ;

  18. 会计稳健性与我国上市公司债务成本

    Accounting Conservatism and Chinese Listed Companies ' Cost of Debt

  19. 行业类别和公司债务期限结构选择&来自中国上市公司的经验证据

    Industry Classification and the Choice of Corporate Debt Maturity Structure

  20. 我国上市公司债务担保链的博弈分析

    The game analysis of liabilities guarantee chain for listing company in our country

  21. 本文对公司债务融资进行了深入研究。

    This dissertation gives a deep and systemic research on corporate debt finance .

  22. 第四,滥用权利的股东应对公司债务承担无限连带责任。

    Fourthly , shareholders who abusing their rights should bear unlimited jointly liability .

  23. 关于我国公司债务融资的实证研究

    An Empirical Research of Corporate Debt Financing in China

  24. 股东对公司债务的责任

    The Responsibility of Shareholder to the Obligation of Company

  25. 经理人激励与公司债务水平的选择

    Managerial Incentives and the Choice of Corporate Debt Level

  26. 公司债务融资研究

    The Research on Corporate Debt Finance COMPANY COMPANY

  27. 我国国有上市公司债务融资的治理效应研究

    A Study on the Governance Effect of Debt Financing in Chinese State-owned Listed Companies

  28. 代理成本、成长性与上市公司债务的绩效

    Agency Cost , Growth Opportunity and the Profit Effect of Debt on Listed Company

  29. 三是对金融资产管理公司债务重组的优势及主要类型进行分析;

    Analyze the advantages and classification of financial assets management company in debts reorganization business ;

  30. 公司债务期限的战略效应&来自中国制造业上市公司的证据

    Corporate Debt Maturity Strategic Effects : Empirical Evidence from China Listed Companies of Manufacturing Industry