
  • 网络Public Health Crisis
  1. 此外,结合WTO知识产权争端解决案例和全球公共健康危机,阐明对国际贸易中的知识产权限制进行研究的必要性,并对国际贸易中的知识产权限制进行了分类。

    The necessity of the limitations on intellectual property rights is studied on the basis of the WTO dispute settlement cases and the global public health crisis .

  2. 尤其在应对公共健康危机时,这种矛盾更加凸显。

    The conflict will be distinctive when it comes to public health crisis .

  3. TRIPS协议将专利保护扩大到了医药产品,使许多发展中国家在防治传染病问题上困难重重,公共健康危机迫在眉睫。

    The TRIPS enlarge the protection of patent to pharmaceutical product . It makes developing countries difficult in the prevention and cure of communicable diseases . The problem of public health is very serious .

  4. 作者们警示肥胖已经是美国的一个公共健康危机。

    The authors warned that obesity has become a public health crisis in the U.

  5. 大量的学生自杀事件现在已经被叫做公共健康危机。

    A rash of student suicides that 's now being called a public health crisis .

  6. 该学会表示,肥胖症是英国面临的最大公共健康危机。

    According to the academy , obesity is the greatest public health crisis facing the UK .

  7. 全球公共健康危机与药品知识产权的冲突与解决

    The Conflict and Solution between the Public Health Crises of the World and the Pharmaceutical Patents

  8. 目前,世界范围内出现了公共健康危机,没有哪个国家能置身事外。

    Now , Public health crisis was appeared in the world . No country can stay .

  9. 空气质量差,是现在英国面临的一大公共健康危机。

    Poor air quality is now considered one of the biggest public health issues now facing the UK .

  10. 第三章简要阐述了国际社会为协调公共健康危机与药品专利保护间冲突所作的努力。

    Chapter Three briefly describes the international community how to coordinate the conflict between public health crisis and pharmaceutical patent protection .

  11. 公共健康危机不仅仅局限于第三世界,而是全球性大事。

    Public health crisis is not a problem only within the Third World , and should be regarded as a global affair .

  12. 前言:目的:为在公共健康危机发生时,能有效降低专利药品价格,提高药品的可获得性。

    OBJECTIVE : To lower the price of patent medicine effectively and to increase the access to medicine when public health crises occur .

  13. 或许这并不是一个酝酿中的像肥胖症流行那样规模的公共健康危机,但也相当严重。

    This may not be a brewing public health crisis on the scale of the obesity epidemic , but it is pretty serious .

  14. 这一系列协议虽暂时缓和了矛盾,但对于发展中国家来说,如何有效地利用这些规定来解决所面临的公共健康危机,是一条漫长的路,任重而道远。

    Although these agreements have alleviated the contradiction temporarily , how to solve the public health crisis effectively is a long way to the developing country .

  15. 由此,我们可以看到公共健康危机正日益威胁着人类,无数垂危的生命等待着被救治。

    Thus , we may see the public health crisis is threatening the humanity day by day . The innumerable critically ill being is waiting for treating .

  16. 许多发展中国家都面临如艾滋病、肺结核及疟疾等传染性疾病所导致的严重公共健康危机。

    Many developing countries , including least-developed countries , face serious public health crises caused by infectious diseases such as HIV / AIDS , tuberculosis , and malaria .

  17. 近年来,针对公共健康危机在全球范围内的频频爆发,如何提高药品的可及性是解决问题的关键。

    In recent years , with the continuously appearing of the global public health crisis , how to enhance the accessibility of drugs is a key to solving .

  18. 随着艾滋病等世界性重大传染疾病的爆发和流行,发展中国家公共健康危机问题日益凸现。

    With the epidemic of such world fatal infectious diseases as HIV / AIDS , the issue of public health crisis in the developing countries becomes more serious than ever .

  19. 药品专利强制许可制度作为平衡各方利益、降低药品价格,应对公共健康危机的一大利器,正越来越被各国所重视。

    Compulsory licensing system for medicines patent is a balance between the interests of all parties , reducing the price of medicines to cope with public health crisis of major tools .

  20. 在全球不同背景下强制性的运用单一制度必然会出现不和谐的声音,全球公共健康危机凸显了这种冲突,引发全球舆论对知识产权国际保护合理性的探讨。

    The global crisis of public health demonstrates the disharmony of adoption of single IPR regime to diverse background , which causes global discussion on the rationality of international protection of IPR .

  21. 我国作为其中的典型国家之一,面对近年来多次爆发的公共健康危机,如何让患者及时获取廉价有效的药品成为亟待解决的问题。

    In the face of public health crisis erupted repeatedly in recent years , How to make the patients with instant access to cheap effective drugs become a problem to be solved .

  22. 第二章深入分析了公共健康危机与药品专利保护之间产生冲突的各种原因。分别从法理基础、经济发展和法条三个层面作出分析。

    Chapter Two analyzes deeply a variety of reasons of the conflict between the public health crisis and patent protection for pharmaceuticals respectively from the legal basis , economic development and the provisions .

  23. 一旦我们度过的公共健康危机阶段的事情,这将是一个重要的研究问题:研究不同的感染力在一个物种和另一个。

    Once we get through the public health crisis phase of things , that 's going to be one of the important research questions : to look at differences in infectivity in one species and another .

  24. 目前全球面临的公共健康危机亟待得到解决。对于解决公共健康危机,药品可及性的作用显得尤为重要,而药品专利制度对药品可及性产生了重大的影响。

    The global public health crisis needs to be buffered , and the access to medicines is very important to solve the problem . But the pharmaceutical patent system exercises influence over the access to medicines .

  25. 介绍世界卫生组织和世界贸易组织对于日趋严重的公共健康危机的关注和为解决药品专利权与健康权之间冲突所作出的努力。

    The World Trade Organization and the World Health Organization have paid attention to the serious public health crisis and made great effort to solve the conflict between the pharmaceutical patent right and the right to health .

  26. 彭斯称,他将签署这一提案,并在一项声明中指出,它将只批准“有限且可问责的”针头更换项目,而且只在“出现公共健康危机的前提下”进行。

    Mr. Pence said he would sign the measure , noting in a statement that it would allow only " limited and accountable " needle exchange programs , and only " where public health emergencies warrant such action . "

  27. 药品专利强制许可制度在平衡财产权与公众健康权、公权与私权的冲突中起到了重要作用,是降低药价、用以应对公共健康危机的一大利器。

    Compulsory license system for medicines patents is playing an important role in balancing the property right and public health right , public right and private right , which can reduce the price of medicine and cope with public health crisis of major tool .

  28. 这不仅使发展中国家难以起动专利强制许可制度解决突发性的公共健康危机,维护社会公共利益,更重要的是他们扼住了发展中国家未来科技强国之路的咽喉。

    This not only makes the developing nations to start compulsory licensing as the approach to solve the sudden public health crisis and maintain the social public interest with difficulty , but also blocks the developing nations ' future road of becoming technically powerful nations .

  29. 随着肥胖水平不断上升,糖尿病等相关疾病日益增多,全球面临严重的公共健康危机,一个年规模数十亿英镑的市场正等待首家公司研制出副作用最小的有效减肥药物。

    With the world facing a big public health crisis from rising levels of obesity and related diseases such as diabetes , a market worth many billions of pounds a year awaits the first company to make an effective slimming drug with minimal side - effects .

  30. 论公共健康伦理在公共健康危机管理中的作用

    On the Functions of the Public Health Ethics in the Public Health Crisis