
  • 网络crisis management plan;Crisis Manage Plan;crisis management planning
  1. 制定周密的危机管理计划是学校危机管理的前提。

    Manufacturing the thorough plan is the preface of school crisis management .

  2. 本文首先总结了国外危机管理计划与组织的经验,然后对非典前期政府应对中的领导、协调与控制职能的问题进行了分析。

    The essay summarizes foreign experience in planning and organizing of crisis management at the first , and then analyzes problems of the function of lead , coordination and controlling when authorities were confronted with SARS .

  3. 企业在危机管理时需要制定危机管理计划,媒体政策是危机管理计划必不可少的组成部分。

    Corporations need to draw up the plan for crisis management .

  4. 学校危机管理指的是学校主要领导(通常是校长)组织相关人员组建危机管理小组、制定危机管理计划,对学校可能的和现实的危机进行预防、处理和评价的系统化的策略应对过程。

    School crisis management is a systematical responsive procedure to prevent , deal with and evaluate the potential and real crisis .