
  • 网络crisis assessment
  1. 公共危机管理是公共管理中应对危机状态的一种特殊形式,它由危机预防、危机处理、危机评估、危机后恢复等要素构成。

    Public crisis management is a special form responsible for crisis situation , which is composed of these elements such as crisis prevention , crisis control and treatment , crisis assessment , crisis recovery .

  2. 本研究在文献评阅和专家访谈的基础上,结合军队医院的实际,初步建立了军队医院危机评估内容与危机应对措施,形成《军队医院危机管理调查表》。

    On the basis of literature reading critically and expert interview , combining with the actual circumstance , the present study primarily builds the Military hospital crisis evaluation and crisis handling , finally forms " Military hospital crisis investigation questionnaire " .

  3. Diallo说,他们审查了选举委员会规则,全国选举规范以及宪法,准备为全国走出危机进行评估并提出建议。

    Diallo says they examined the internal rules of the electoral commission , the country 's electoral code and the constitution , and prepared an assessment and recommendations to get the country out of crisis .

  4. 根据无党派国会预算办公室对财政危机的评估,明年一月自动生效的开支削减和税赋大幅增加的措施,将会使美国在经济方面预计损失6000亿美元。同时也意味着美国将会被拖入经济衰退的泥沼之中。

    The automatic spending cuts coupled with significant tax increases in January could take an estimated $ 600 billion out of the U.S. economy and push it into recession , according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office 's assessment of the fiscal cliff .

  5. 从危机矿山报告评估结果看我国煤炭接替资源的紧迫性

    Succeeding Coal Resources Urgency Come into Sight from Crisis Mines Evaluation

  6. 此次危机表明,评估经济表现应从数量和风险两个方面入手。

    The crisis has shown that economic performance ought to be judged in terms of risks as well as quantities .

  7. 浅析婚姻暴力的危机介入、评估和辅导社会转型时期门当户对婚姻的错位与危机

    Crisis intervention to demestic violence in the views of social work ; The Dislocation and Crisis of the Properly-matched Marriage in the Socal Reforming Acceleration Period

  8. 其次,分析了我国政府危机管理绩效评估的现状。

    And the paper has used the achievements for reference . Second , the paper has analyzed the situation of performance evaluation about Chinese government crisis management .

  9. 笔者试图从评估的主体、评估的程序、评估的指标设立、评估的对象、评估的机制等不同的方面来构建我国地方政府危机管理绩效评估体系。

    The author attempts to assess the theme , evaluation procedure , and evaluation index , evaluation object , set up evaluation mechanism of different aspects of constructing the crisis management of our government performance evaluation system .

  10. 首先总结了危机管理绩效评估存在的问题(制度不牢固、评估主体单一,程序不科学等),然后对这些问题存在的原因进行了深入的分析研究,最后指出加强危机管理绩效评估的重要性。

    First , it has summed up the problems about performance evaluation crisis management ( the loose system , the single main body evaluation , unscientific procedures , etc. ), then the paper has analyzed the reasons of these problems carefully .

  11. NPR新闻的米歇尔·克莱门将报道这一日益严重的危机的最新评估结果。

    NPR 's Michele Kelemen reports on the latest assessment of the amounting crisis .

  12. 美国财政部下属的OFR是2008年金融危机后、为评估金融风险而设立的机构。该机构的报告揭示出,数年超低的利率已经严重扭曲了金融体系。

    The OFR , an offshoot of the Treasury , was set up after the 2008 crisis to assess financial risk - and its report reveals that several years of ultra-low rates have distinctly the distorted financial system .

  13. 企业人力资源危机的识别与评估研究

    The Study on Identification and Evaluation of the Enterprises Human Resource Crisis

  14. 重新评估的第二种形式还体现在投资者当中:即对信贷危机影响的重新评估。

    A second form of reassessment is also going on among investors : about the impact of the credit crisis .

  15. 其流程大致经历危机识别、启动预案或拟定应对危机的方案、评估论证方案选优、试验验证反馈调节等环节。

    This process is composed of following steps such as identifying crisis , making the probationary plans of dealing with crisis , selecting the most suitable plan , carrying it out , collecting its feedback , making adjustments to the plan and so on .

  16. 人们担心,就在下一轮金融危机即将来临之际,中国正在推迟对前一场危机的最终评估。

    The fear is China is delaying a final reckoning for its previous financial crisis even as the next one looms .

  17. 其次,通过采取多种途径培养大学生危机意识:集中强化危机意识,多渠道渗透危机意识,教学评估中体现危机意识指标等。

    Secondly , through adopting multiple approaches to cultivate college students ' crisis consciousness : crisis consciousness , multi-channel concentrated strengthening infiltration crisis consciousness , teaching evaluation are reflected in crisis consciousness index , etc.

  18. 危机干预是预防和缓解心理问题的有效措施,完整的危机干预过程涉及到危机评估、危机干预策略的制定及实施、危机干预效果的评估。

    Intervention of mental crisis is an effective measure of preventing and reducing psychological problems . The whole interventional course involves crisis evaluation as well as establishing and implanting strategies and evaluating interventional effect .