
  • 网络critical incident;Crisis Event
  1. 就中国而言,20世纪90年代以来,我国社会进入全面转型时期,同时伴随着我国加入WTO和改革开放程度加深,由此造成了我国在诸多邻域危机事件不断发生。

    As for as China is concerned , since 1990s , China has stepped into transformation period , joined in WTO and deepened reform and opening to the world , thus many crisis events happen constantly which are harmful to the people 's life and properties .

  2. 危机事件中的媒体沟通效能

    The Communication Effect of Mass Media in Crisis Events

  3. 公民应对SARS危机事件的心理调适系统模式探索

    Research on the System of the Citizen 's Mental Adjustment to Confront with SARS

  4. 进入新世纪以来,SARS、禽流感、矿难等频繁发生的社会性危机事件给社会带来了许多不稳定因素。长期以来,社会学研究在这一领域一直缺乏系统全面的理论探讨。

    Social critical incident that take place frequently such as SARS , poultry flu , accident in ore bring a lot of destabilizing factors to society There has been little systematic or profound theoretical research in this field of sociology .

  5. 本文选择了宝洁“SK-II”事件和“高露洁事件”这两个典型的危机事件案例,来分析整合传播在危机事件中的具体运用。

    This paper chooses typical crisis cases of " SK-II " and " Colgate " to analyze that how the integration communication is applied concretely .

  6. 公共危机事件中青少年心理危机应对与干预

    Response and Intervention of Adolescence Mental Crisis from Public Crisis Events

  7. 我国食品安全危机事件中国家形象的媒体呈现

    The National Image Reported by Media in Chinese Food Safety Crisis

  8. 社会危机事件与第三部门的发展与成熟

    Event of Social Crisis and Development and Mature of Third Department

  9. 危机事件的社会心理行为预警系统;

    Studies on social warning systems for psychological behavior in emergency ;

  10. 希望本文的研究能为高校突发危机事件管理提供有益的智力支持。

    The research can provide useful college crisis management mental support .

  11. 但是,对于企业来说,有些信任危机事件是无法避免的。

    However , some crisis is unavoidable for the company .

  12. 危机事件中的网络视频传播与话语分析

    Internet Video Communication and Discourse Analysis in the Critical Incident

  13. 突发性危机事件是当前国际社会面临的一大难题。

    The emergent crisis is the hang up faced by international society .

  14. 危机事件社会影响的评估与分析

    Evaluation and Analysis over Social Impacts of Crisis Event

  15. 我国公共危机事件预警机制建设刍议

    On the Pre-Warning of Public Crisis Mechanism in China

  16. 当今世界企业不可避免地面临危机事件的影响。

    The enterprise is unavoidably faced with crisis affair all over the world .

  17. 论心理干预在突发性危机事件中的应用

    The Psychological Intervention Application in the Sudden Incident Crisis

  18. 对大学生加强社会危机事件教育的思考

    Cogitation on Consolidation of Students ' Social Crisis Education

  19. 我国现阶段正处于公共危机事件的高发期。

    The country is on the stage of high-incidence season of public events .

  20. 我们社会的危机事件的发生可以说是无处不在。

    Critical incidents are ubiquitous in our society nowadays .

  21. 危机事件破坏了媒体的形象,危机不期而至。

    Critical incident would undermine the media image and the crisis comes unexpectedly .

  22. 危机事件带来的影响可划分为物理影响和社会影响。

    The impacts of crisis events can divide into physical and social impacts .

  23. 这一危机事件直接促使了公允价值计量属性的产生。

    The crisis led directly to the production of fair value measurement attribute .

  24. 学校危机事件的心理干预

    On the Psychological Intervention of Crisis Events in School

  25. 我国目前正处在突发公共危机事件的高发时期。

    Our country is in the period of high occurrence frequency of public crisis .

  26. 从危机事件看新闻发言人制度的优势所在

    The advantages of Press Spokesman in Crisis Dealing

  27. 第五部分提出民族地区政府应对群体性危机事件的有效对策。

    The fifth part brings forward some effective countermeasures to resolve mass danger events .

  28. 30年来危机事件对中国旅游业发展的影响及比较

    Influences of crisis in late thirty years to china 's tourism and their comparison

  29. 美国公共安全危机事件应急管理研究

    Study on Emergency Administration of Crisis Events of Public Security in the United States

  30. 基于突发公共危机事件的企业社会责任营销

    Marketing of the Corporate Social Responsibility Based on the Bursts of Public Crisis Events