
  1. 在营销渠道危机控制与处理子系统里,介绍了控制与处理营销渠道危机的六大流程:确认危机、调入资源、隔离危机、控制危机、解决危机、危后寻机;

    In the crisis control and management sub-system , the author introduced six procedures of marketing channel crisis control and management : affirm crisis , import resources , control crisis , solve crisis and find chances after crisis .

  2. 但是,如果葡萄牙债券持有者也被迫接受削发,那将粉碎欧洲领导人的说法,即他们已成功隔离希腊危机,使其不致蔓延至欧元区其它国家。

    But , if holders of Portuguese debt were to take a haircut , this would destroy the contention of European leaders that they had successfully quarantined the Greek problem from the wider eurozone .