
ɡé yè dài kuǎn
  • overnight loan;overnight call loan
  1. 鉴于美联储(federalreserve)将隔夜贷款利率保持在接近于零的水平,两年期美国国债的收益率仍不到1%。

    With the Federal Reserve keeping its overnight lending rate near zero , the yield on a two-year Treasury remains less than 1 per cent .

  2. 随着银行缩减了存于欧洲央行(ecb)、高出存款准备金要求的资金额即过剩流动性,欧元银行间隔夜贷款利率已“恢复常态”。

    Euro overnight bank lending rates have " normalised " , while banks have scaled back the amount of money held at the European Central Bank above reserve requirements known as excess liquidity .

  3. 例如我发现,旨在完善货币市场运作、收窄银行间定期贷款与隔夜贷款利差的定期资金招标工具(termauctionfacility),并没有对利差产生明显的冲击。

    I found , for example , that the term auction facility , set up to improve the functioning of the money market and drive down spreads on term interbank lending relative to overnight loans , had no noticeable impact on interest rate spreads .

  4. 德国产业投资银行(ikb)出现的问题,致使国内同行于8月2日为其纾困,但这种做法结果加剧了不安状况,导致银行间市场隔夜贷款利率迅速走高。

    The problems at German bank IKB resulted in a bail-out by local peers on August 2 , but this only heightened the tension and led to fast-rising interest rates in the overnight lending markets between the banks .

  5. 不过,那次是提供隔夜贷款,而这次的时限是两周。

    But that was for overnight loans while the new offer is for two weeks .

  6. 英国央行此前只是按照赔偿率提供隔夜贷款,而且只接受英国国债等优质抵押品。

    The bank had previously only lent money at penalty rate overnight and only for high-quality collateral such as gilts .

  7. 在回购市场中,贷款人(例如银行)以抵押品换取借款人(例如货币市场基金)的隔夜贷款。

    In the repo markets , borrowers , such as banks , pledge collateral in return for overnight loans from lenders , such as money market funds .

  8. 本周,美联储将银行间隔夜贷款目标利率从1%降低到0~0.25%之间。

    This week the Fed cut its target rate of one percent for overnight loans between banks to a target range of zero to one-fourth of one percent .

  9. 据知情人士透露,美联储(fed)正考虑对世界各国银行筹措隔夜美元贷款的庞大“回购”(repo)市场实施重大改革,包括创建一种机制,取代目前承办交易的华尔街银行。

    The US Federal Reserve is considering dramatic changes to the giant " repo " markets where banks around the world raise overnight dollar loans including creating a utility to replace the Wall Street banks that now handle transactions , people familiar with the matter say .

  10. 这一工具于2007年12月设立,旨在向信誉良好的银行提供一月期贷款。当时,市场上贷款期限超过隔夜的贷款已枯竭。

    The Taf was set up in December 2007 to provide one-month loans to creditworthy banks as markets dried up for lending longer than overnight .

  11. 隔夜短期贷款利率互换合约的情况表明,投资者目前预期日本央行将利率从0.5%下调25个基点的几率为70%,而周二为不到20%。

    Swap contracts on the overnight call rate suggested that investors were pricing in a 70 per cent chance of a quarter-point rate cut from 0.5 per cent , compared with less than 20 per cent on Tuesday .

  12. 现在银行从隔夜货币市场融资并不困难。但是,仅靠隔夜拆借贷款来融资也让银行非常头疼。

    Banks have no problem borrowing money overnight , but they would be mad to rely exclusively on that as a source of funding .