
  • 网络fixed-rate Loan;Fixed rate mortgage
  1. 而固定利率贷款比可调利率贷款更安全。

    And a fixed-rate loan is safer than an adjustable one .

  2. 还有,用固定利率贷款取代周转贷款会增加你的信用积分,Karnani说。

    Also , replacing revolving credit with a fixed-rate loan should boost your credit score , Karnani says .

  3. 对于固定利率贷款,在市场利率下降时,贷款的市场价值及LTV将提高,导致借款人主动违约,或者提前还款;

    As for the fixed-rates loan , the market value of the loan and the LTV will increase when the market interest rate falls , leading to the voluntary default or advanced loan repayment of the debtor .

  4. 要是我是你,我会选择固定利率贷款。

    I 'd go with a fixed rate loan .

  5. 让我们不要忘记,真正的尝试了战马固定利率贷款。

    Let 's not forget the tried and true warhorse of the fixed rate loan .

  6. 固定利率贷款可降低你的负债收入比。

    It lowers your debt-to-income ratio .

  7. 这就是一些人为何不愿把自己拴在长期固定利率贷款上的原因。

    This risk is one reason why some people do not like locking themselves into a long-term fixed rate .

  8. 如果真的发生这种情况,任何以5%的固定利率贷款购买房地产等硬资产的人都应会大赚一笔。

    Anyone purchasing hard assets like real estate , with a5 % fixed rate loan , ought to make good money if that happens .

  9. 银行系统现在提供许多形式的贷款,以往最常见的30年固定利率贷款现在为浮动利率所替代。

    The banking system now offers many styles of loans of which the30 year fixed rate loan was the most common now replaced by a30 year variable loan .

  10. 本文以浮动利率贷款和固定利率贷款为例研究了国内第一个贷款转让权力的定价问题;

    This paper studies the pricing of the first loan transferring right in China with the example of the transferring between floating rate loan and fixed rate loan .

  11. 希腊将为这笔3年期固定利率贷款支付约5%的利息,这一利息率高于国际货币基金组织的标准水平,但低于目前精神紧张的投资者要求的市场利率。

    The rates charged to Athens would be about 5 per cent for a three-year fixed loan – above the IMF 's standard lending rate but below those currently demanded by jittery investors .

  12. 一些信托公司在利息相对很高时以固定利率获得贷款,这些信托公司便包括爱丁堡信托与merchants。

    Some trusts took out loans at fixed rates when interest rates were a lot higher these include Edinburgh investment trust and merchants .

  13. 固定利率抵押贷款提前偿还风险估计

    Estimating Prepayments Risk on Fixed - rate on Mortgage Loan

  14. 考虑违约风险的固定利率抵押贷款支持证券三因素定价模型

    A 3-Factor Pricing Model with Default Risk for Fixed Rate Mortgage-Backed Securities

  15. 你可以借到一笔利率为4.1%的30年期固定利率房屋贷款。

    You can get a fixed-rate , 30-year home loan with an interest rate of4.1 % .

  16. 现在大多数30年期固定利率抵押贷款是由房利美和房贷美支持。

    Right now most 30-year fixed rate mortgages are backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac .

  17. 对于复杂性,一种可能的反应是要求简单化。比如,只允许发放标准的30年期固定利率抵押贷款。

    A potential response to complexity would be to require simplicity – for example , by allowing only the standard 30-year fixed-rate mortgages .

  18. 最后,本文提出了收取浮动的违约金率的观点,违约金率可以与市场利率等因素挂钩进行定价,也可以推出固定利率抵押贷款合同以管理提前还贷风险。

    Finally , this paper suggests the floating penalty rate , which can be linked with the market interest rate and other factors . Fixed-rate mortgage loan contract can also be launched to manage prepayment risk .

  19. 固定利率住房抵押贷款创新研究

    New Study on Housing Mortgage Loan with Fixed Interest Rate

  20. 固定支付利率抵押贷款定价的一般原理

    Principle of pricing the fixed - rate - mortgage

  21. 利用期权定价理论,固定支付利率抵押贷款定价问题可以模型为一个自由边界问题或变分不等式方程。

    The Fixed-Rate-Mortgage pricing problem can be modified as a free boundary problem or a variational inequality by the option theory .

  22. 固定利率匹配融资贷款:世界银行贷给国际金融公司的两种固定利率贷款之一。

    Fixed rate matched funding loan : One of two types of fixed rate loans made by the Bank to IFC .

  23. 固定利率住房抵押贷款作为传统金融产品有较长的历史,其结构也并不复杂。

    As far as Fixed Rate Mortgage loan ( FRM ) is concerned , as a financial instrument with long history , its structure is not complicate .

  24. 1945年第二次世界大战结束,并在随后一年出现婴儿潮,这种30年的、固定利率的抵押贷款成了社会基石,社会群体最大化地出现空前多的私房房主。

    When World War II ended in1945 and the Baby Boom began the following year , the30-year , fixed-rate mortgage became a cornerstone of society and led to unprecedented levels of homeownership .

  25. 温州民间借贷利率与金融信贷传导机制分析固定利率匹配融资贷款:世界银行贷给国际金融公司的两种固定利率贷款之一。

    Analysis Transfer Mechanics between Rates in Wenzhou ′ s People-to-people Borrow-or-Lend Market and Financial Credit Fund fixed rate matched funding loan : One of two types of fixed rate loans made by the Bank to IFC .

  26. 但根据欧洲央行的统计数字,1月份,欧元区浮息抵押贷款及头年为固定利率的抵押贷款的平均利率下降了70个基点,至4.39%。

    But according to the ECB statistics , the interest rate on floating-rate eurozone mortgages and those with rates initially fixed for up to a year fell by 70 basis points in January to an average of 4.39 per cent .

  27. 因此,只剩下转换这种方法了,例如,所有现有的按揭贷款,可全部或部分转换成固定低利率的长期贷款,正如最近哈佛(Harvard)的马丁•费尔德斯坦(MartinFeldstein)所建议的那样。

    That leaves conversion , whereby , for example , all existing mortgage debts could be wholly or partly converted into long-term , low and fixed-interest loans , as recently suggested by Harvard 's Martin Feldstein .

  28. 固定支付利率的抵押贷款定价理论&限于在支付日提前支付或违约

    Pricing the Fixed-Rate-Mortgage Contracts - Limitting on Payment-dates to Prepay or Default

  29. 例如,如果我们用有资产担保的债券为固定利率的长期抵押贷款筹集固定利率的长期融资,那么它就可能稳定房地产市场。

    Covered bonds , for example , could steady housing markets if used to raise long-term fixed rate funding for long-term fixed rate mortgages .