
  • 网络Personal Auto Loan
  1. 第十九条汽车金融公司向自然人发放购车贷款应符合有关监管部门关于个人汽车贷款管理的规定;

    Article 19 An auto financing company , in case of extending loans to a natural person for auto purchase , shall observe relevant rules governing the auto loans to individual buyers promulgated by the relative supervisory authority ;

  2. 个人汽车消费贷款助您实现购车梦想,全面提高生活品质。

    Personal auto loan will help you realize your auto purchase dream and fully improve your life quality .

  3. 近日,中国保监会对个人汽车消费贷款保证保险旧条款紧急叫停,根本原因在于个人汽车消费贷款保证保险纠纷案件与日俱增。

    Because cases of individual automobile consumer finance guarantee insurance increase steadily , the old article about individual automobile consumer finance guarantee insurance is forbidden .

  4. 个人汽车消费贷款是银行向申请购买汽车的借款人发放的人民币担保贷款。具有办理手续简便快捷、担保形式多样、贷款额度高等特点。

    Personal auto loan is the RAM guarantee loan granted by bank to the borrower who applies for purchase of auto , featuring simple transaction procedure , various guarantee forms and high loan line , etc.

  5. 浅谈个人汽车消费不良贷款形成的原因及对策

    Talking about the Reasons of the Formation of Non-performing Personal Auto Loan and Countermeasures

  6. 针对个人经营贷款的总体情况分别从贷款增量,个人消费贷款的收益,个贷中间业务收入,以及个人汽车贷款的收益,风险控制,业务流程等方面进行了简要分析。

    For personal business loans , respectively , from the overall situation of incremental loans , loans for personal consumption gains , a loan intermediary business income and personal income auto loans , risk control , business processes and other aspects are briefly analyzed .