
ɡè rén tuì xiū zhànɡ hù
  • individual retirement accounts
  1. 1974年,美国政府率先设立了个人退休账户(IndividualRetirementAccounts,下文简称IRA)。

    In 1974 , American government created the Individual Retirement Accounts ( IRAs ), which was an individual saving plan of retirement for all the tax-payers .

  2. 又或者,制定像最近的罗斯个人退休账户安排(rothindividualretirementarrangement)法案这样的措施,鼓励纳税人加快完税同时降低现值。

    Or measures such as the recent Roth individual retirement arrangement legislation are enacted , encouraging taxpayers to accelerate their tax payment while reducing present value .

  3. 美联储(fed)的一份讨论文件显示,50岁普通美国人在个人退休账户(ira)或401k退休金计划中拥有17.4万美元。

    According to a Federal Reserve discussion paper , the average 50-year-old has $ 174000 in IRA or 401k retirement plans .

  4. 米塞利说,菲利皮尼应尽快开始定期向自己的个人退休账户或“罗斯个人退休账户”(RothIRA)存款,以最大限度地让复利为自己所用。

    Mr. Filippini should start a regular individual retirement account or Roth IRA as soon as possible to take maximum advantage of compounding , Mr. Miceli says .

  5. 例如,近期的政治辩论暴露出了一些漏洞,这些漏洞让少数人得以利用免税的个人退休账户(ira)积攒数千万美元资金,而几乎所有其他人都受到2000美元缴款上限的约束。

    Recent political debates , for example , have highlighted loopholes that permit a few to accumulate tens of millions of dollars in a tax-free individual retirement account ( IRA ) when almost everyone else is constrained by a $ 2000 contribution limit .

  6. 美国的个人退休账户发展研究

    A Study on the Development of Individual Retirement Account of USA

  7. 开个人退休账户(传统,非传统的都可以),然后开始投资。

    Open an IRA ( either Traditional or Roth ) and start funding it .

  8. 立即开始向养老金计划或个人退休账户存钱

    Begin contributing immediately to a 401 ( k ) plan or an IRA account .

  9. 接下来你可以把余钱存入一个个人退休账户,该类账户一般费用低且有税收优惠,每年的存款上限为5500美元(如果你的年龄在50岁以上,上限则为6500美元)。

    Then you can put any remaining money into an individual retirement account , which typically has low fees and tax advantages , and lets you contribute up to $ 5,500 every year ( $ 6,500 if you 're 50 or older ) .

  10. 许多雇主选择在员工个人的独立退休基金账户中存钱,存入金额与员工自己存入的相当。

    A pension fund is like a bank account , into which the owner pays a certain amount every month and from which he can draw a regular monthly payment in his old age .